
Why are all of their eyes only half-open?

That clearly looks like an "illegal" photo in the header.

Recently made an off-hand comment at work about how I had a whole lot of unused vacation days, but nothing in particular to use them on, and our resident nutritionist chimed in with "why don't you just take a week or two off and go to the gym!?" Her subsequent awkward back-peddling when I asked why I needed a week at

No, I feel the same way. I don't know if this is where my subconscious is going, but I read over and over again that in home invasions where the homeowner has a gun, they are often shot with their own gun. So the presence of guns, even in the possession of sensible, rational people, doesn't make me feel good. I

Thanks, [Michelle] Obama!

But I like falling asleep after dinner!

I just want to thank you for sharing your perspective. It's really important for people who have actual experience with guns who also support gun control to speak up.

It's not irrational to be afraid of something that was designed to kill.

Also, make every reasonable step towards securing your guns from children/idiots.

No it's quite rational. I'd say the majority of gun deaths in America are actually accidents, due to the somewhat tricky nature of semi-automatics. Pulling the slide back and accidentally discharging is an easy mistake, as is forgetting the safety and accidentally pulling the trigger. Another very common one is to

Yeah, that's not in good fun at all. I was taught from a very young age that you don't point a gun/bow and arrow, play or real, at anybody or thing that you wouldn't want dead or severely injured. I feel like thats a good rule of thumb.

Those stupid commercials. Because of them, I now call running out of tomatoes "a medical condition known as 'Low T.'"

I'm the same way, and I have family members who are cops, but I'm never comfortable around guns.

I even get nervous on my own balcony all of a sudden. We're 15 stories high and while I'm not at all suicidal, nor have I ever been, I have this insane fear that my body will take over my mind and I'll fall to my death. Or, you know, a tornado will swoop me off my feet and throw me to my death.

Are you ME? I feel exactly the same way about high overhangs, and just being in the vicinity of a gun. I'll even go so far as to admit I can't be near people shooting off fireworks! Call me irrational, but sometimes things don't work like they should, or they get mishandled... I think a little paranoia can sometimes

There is nothing irrational about fearing someone pointing a gun at you. Which as BananaStandby pointed out should never be done. Fearing guns in general may be irrational, but if you didn't grow up with them then it's a pretty normal fear. Worse if you have experiences with stupid people and guns, which it sounds

You're fine. I served in Iraq and Afghanistan as Air Force Security Forces, which is more-or-less a glorified cop. I carried a grenade launcher, a rife, and a pistol to work every day, and sometimes carried a machine gun depending on my post, and the fear and respect of what I was carrying never left my mind the

I've had three people I know die from gun "accidents": a friend from high school lost his little brother when him and a friend were exploring the guns in the attic and the one kid accidentally shot the other; the first boy I ever made out with died years later as an adult with two small children cleaning a shotgun in

Wasn't there a movie in the 80s where a guy gets a flare right in the mouth?
