You do realize what is easier? Just getting your work done, and then nobody cares.

The hardest way to do nothing (but the most rewarding) is to build up dependency, the company I work for runs my custom built CRM system that only I know how it really works, it's very elaborate, took me a good 5 years to get to this point but now I've been slacking for 3 years, did I mention I'm a contractor, only

When you get done with it, and you will one day, you will feel great. I spent the last 15 years paying mine down. I kept working towards it with that day in mind, and I opened a bottle of champagne the day I was done, and as an added bonus the cork flew off and hit my best friend square in the forehead.

I'm going to dispute that. I think that "feminism" most properly means an *interpretive lens* on history and society that acknowledges that women face class-based discrimination. In other words, if you think women are and should be equal — that is, if you think they ARE equal, right now, and that all your individual

GINANDTONIC >:((((((((((((((((((((((((((


Even if a drug is inert, it will have some sort of side effect. Pills have a chance of choking and esophageal issues and injections are needle pricks.

The biggest problem with the article is that there seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding about what drug is. A drug isn't a drug until it has been proven to be both efficacious in treating the disease and to not have side effects that are worse than the disease it is trying to treat. Most importantly, it needs to

Yep. No revenge is complete without being a revengebian at some point in the process.

Internet: You should also fuck his sister to get back at him.

Ah, nm.. I guess I was thinking more of a boomerang situation, or that maybe you were facing a Zombie apocalypse with a friend. Carry on. (Assuming you don't have a dog that would run after the frisbee even during such an event, in which case you can just go directly to hell for even coming up with that idea.)

Actually, Inaho's preferred Kataphrakt is not laughably weak compared to the military's current models. Both have the same engine (so to speak), but Inaho's model puts more emphasis in agility, while military models put more emphasis on armor. Inaho mentions this on the second to the last episode, which is why he

I don't begrudge them their artistry and talent. I do think they're missing a fundamental point when dealing with a functional item.

My parents got married here in the 70's. Fitting really, since their marriage was abandoned almost twenty years ago as well...

Better yet, from a B-29...

If you want real C and D-cell size NiMH, you need Tenergy's AccuLoops, available on Amazon.

If you want real C and D-cell size NiMH, you need Tenergy's AccuLoops, available on Amazon.

Title should read "I'm a 20-something who wants attention like everyone else... Hey, why aren't you looking at me!!"

The tea bagger ceo is gone....and IMO far better to shop online than to endure the 9th circle of hell that is Black Friday.

The argument he makes is the other way around.