Lucas absolutely paid attention to details. Who else would invest something as unnecessary as midiclorians? His problem was people. He doesn't understand people. Not anymore at least.

Hair looks pretty good, but the rest looks like a step back from what one can get with modded Skyrim. I have no doubt this is a much more advanced graphics system, but there's an advantage in having a system open enough that you can manually tweak the uncanny valley away.

It's JJ Abrams. He deliberately avoids thinking things through. Really.

I usually refer to it as McDumps, so y'all are not that far off. Just half a syllable.

I wasn't asking for that at all, but I accept your apology as a courtesy. Good day sir.

Well, given that the earth's gravity isn't strong enough to hold on to gaseous hydrogen or helium for very long...yeah.

Then you're simply missing the point, which I even explained in my other post.

Katanas are designed for an entirely different purpose than a broadsword. One is designed to slash through light armor. The other is meant to penetrate through heavy armor. Saying one is inferior to another without context or qualification is to demonstrate a lack of understanding.

Controversial /= offensive.

Cosby stops being an "alleged rapist" when he's convicted, as a trial turns allegations into facts. Your shooting example is murkier. Yes, technically, it's an alleged suicide. However, with the other party dead, you have to default to the witnesses version of events as fact unless you come across other facts with are

I thought GR hated the DS9 concept from top to bottom., so the answer is no, it would not have happened.

Nicer than sitting down to your own, personal plate of fresh bread provided for free?

I think it's a better example, along with 500 other examples, of why Gene Roddenberry should have stayed the hell out of the writer's room. He neutered a lot of good ideas from a lot of people and pooped out a lot of bad ones.

1) It's midday on Friday. We're all procrastinating or goofing off. Though, if you have the time to write all that, you really should read the article I included in my post. It covers all of your points better than I could.

I think you need to rethink your post as none of that came across as humor/sarcasm. Ask yourself if it really makes sense given that the entirely article, and my post, is about Chinese healthcare, and none of it has to do with the US.

You couldn't have got this more backwards if you tried. There are both generics (for drugs, often imported from India because India has even fewer IP laws than China) and counterfeits (Because China) widely available. Hell, a third of TCM treatments contain generic/counterfeit modern drugs, often at doses so high

No, there's a handful of things that are effective, not because it's rigorously tested (if it's called "TCM" it hasn't been tested), but because when you (figurative you) shove enough flavors of quackery into your victims-err-patients, you're eventually going to stumble upon something that works. That makes you lucky,

And he'll buy them because he has brain damage! Brilliant!

It is not known how he first became infected, but one source of infection is the use of frog poultice, a traditional Chinese remedy where raw frog meat is used to calm sore eyes.

A380 has had an exceptionally bad weight problem. First examples were 11,000 pounds overweight (SOURCE) and even 50 airframes in, the A380s were still way above promised target (SOURCE), though apparently they had made enough improvements in other areas (probably engines and flight management software) to offset the