Doom WAS set in the future, wasn't it?

...and I wished they had made her dialog more GLADOS-like.

I was actually wishing they hadn't changed the voice processing in Pacific Rim...and they had given her more dialog.

So I did what any sane person would who just told his girlfriend’s parents that he is an incontinent drunk who frequents strip clubs: I screamed like a little girl, hung up the phone and avoided them like a plague until my terrible relationship eventually fell apart.

Because they carry a lot of bombs. Seriously...they're bombers. WTF do you think they are meant to do?

Because the B-1 has limited stealth capabilities. The original B-1A was cancelled by Carter because of the B-2A stealth bomber. The B-1B took the B-1A, added radar absorbing material and new stealthier air intakes (which also slowed the max speed from Mach 2+ to ~M1.5) and had it fly close to the ground where its

Finance, in general, is probably the most backwards industry there is. It's one of the few that STILL have the 70 cents on the dollar pay differential even after you separate out family leave, career choice, full/part time (by contrast, IT has wage parity). And that's the LEAST of its problems. Perverse incentives run

The problem with Americans is that, by and large, they don't want the leave time. They're given a paltry 2 weeks of PTO, and they take just over a week. People brag about never using sick time. You could give 52 weeks of leave, like Russia, and few would use more than a month. Give a month, and they'll take a week.

Actually, you own the house one Day 1. The bank just owns the mortgage, which gives them an interest in your home as collateral, which isn't relevant unless you default.

I thought about picking up SC4 during the Steam Sale, but went for the Saints Row bundle, the two Arkham games and Shogun Total War. SimCity 2013 just. has. not. interested. me.

Actually, Catholics are very big on precedent, which was originally based on the Bible and early Christian traditions (the Church really does have roots going back to the 1st century). You can't invalidate one tenant without calling into question ALL tenants. It's easier to ban something new than repeal an old

Also Saranwrap. The generic stuff never tears off cleanly and ends up as a bunched up mess I have to unwrap before covering my food. For the extra $5 a year I'll get the premium stuff that works.

So...following your analogy, you're only right once every 12 hours...so I should probably disregard what you're saying because odds are you're wrong on all of it.

This is the first time I've ever heard Jets fans described as "genius".

Wait...the Sox won the World Series? In 2005? I was living there in 2005. Why didn't anyone tell me?

He's also not in a drunken brawl with another Sox fan.

I've typoed while trying to get to bj.com too.

My thought was: It's just fucking pizza. Don't screw up the dough, don't over sauce, don't burn in the oven. Not hard stuff. Any town with at least 50,000 people has at least one good pizza joint, and about 3 meh ones, and a dozen shitty ones, plus DominHuts, which are (on average) slightly below "meh". Scale that

This article is true. You don't get rid of fat people by deporting them. That's wrong and counterproductive. However, summary executions are a very efficient way of disposing of unwanted persons. The problem goes away, rather than just dumping them on another country.

Not patriotism. The US is pretty messed up, like much of the western world, but is too goddamn complacent to do ANYTHING about it. That's shameful. You got your healthcare, and lack anything as backwards as the US Senate. There are many fine things about Canada. My beef is with the language. Stop it with the misplaced