Source? This isn't secret or hard to find information. Native. English. Speaking. Population. There. That's the hard part. Put it into Google.
Source? This isn't secret or hard to find information. Native. English. Speaking. Population. There. That's the hard part. Put it into Google.
Since your reading comprehension skills are lacking (which is surprising, because by most measures, your primary schools are better than the ones I attended), let me break it down for you:
This is NOT the US Senate. Land boundaries count for NOTHING.
You have a point on metric, however, most native English speakers don't use "zed".
Given that America is roughly 3/4 of all native English-Speakers, we've voted you wrong. It is zee. We'll let you keep calling it English though, for the time being.
I don't think I've ever seen someone in a social situation with a wide-brimmed fedora like that. Usually it's the hipstery short brim like the one in the picture at the top of the page.
The probaby-psycotic coaches are always the best. If Belichick had one ring for everyone he's killed and buried, he'd have had to have won every superbowl ever.
The moment you turn insular and reject the rest of the world (and the inherent oversight thereof), you're building a society that is more prone to systemic problems like this than the general population. The general population is actually having a conversation on this topic. It appears that is not the case on the…
Except when you start losing to Mexico and need the REAL AMERICA to bail you out.
They go by total mass of the fanbase, not just population. That's why Pittsburgh AND Wisconsin still have teams. A Yinzer or Cheesehead is worth 3 or 4 normal fans.
The ONE good part of that otherwise terrible movie was Bane murdering 52 out of 53 members of the Steelers. It wasn't all of them, but it was close enough. VOTE BANE 2016!
Goddamn Econ 100 students. They're not handing out passes based on what your submitted hourly rate is. It's based on your access to wealth, the collected assets which you may or may not have earned yourself, or even own yourself. At best, money is an indirect indicator of the value of your time. At worst, you're…
It's not about me, it's about crushing what little joy resides in the horrible city of Detroit. Those losers LOVE their losing team. So it MUST be taken away from them. I'm just a servant to that goal.
I think we need to wait a while for the Boomers to pay off so we can get past the 60's and all the establishment/anticommunist vs antiestablishment/hippie shit that they seem to be utterly unable to leave alone.Having said that, I do NOT want the next leadership to come out of Silicon Valley. Those people are sociopath… more Clintons or Bushes (or Obamas or Reagans for that matter) for a couple of generations. The deck is stacked enough. We don't need to move to an explicitly dynastic government.
Hush. You'll give it away.
shhh! You'll give it away.
We should never outlaw a word. Just get rid of antiquated, useless vestiges of a horrible past. It's not like Detroit needs a football team.
They have the right to call each other whatever they agree to call each other.