Not really. The counter protests of American Nazis in Skokie, IL are why the only time you ever see Illinois Nazis today is when you watch the Blues Brothers, even though the Nazis won their court case against the Village. With proper organization, you can make a very visible demonstration that the MRA's side is not

Attributing the opinions of one's opponents to, basically, loserdom, is a cliche response. In this case, it's probably not even true. A Gallup poll found that 49% of women define themselves as "pro-life" instead of pro-choice. No doubt sizable minorities prefer tradition gender roles as well. Odds are, they can

Who needs a 100" OLED 4k tv in their living room?? No one.

Yeah, but would you simply accept large quantity of poor quality sex? I think not. You'd go pro sports coach on your partner: Coach for improvement, trade for a proven veteran, or dismiss and hope to draft a hall of famer right out of college.

Quantity has a quality all its own.

What part is funny? The word "castration"? I'll admit it's a funny word, one that doesn't get used all that often (like my favorite, "epicaricacy"), but beyond that you've lost me.

I'd also add that punishment should, ideally, rehabilitate offenders so they don't repeat, in addition to deter potential offenders and protect the public welfare. Seems like America puts too much effort into deterrence, or just punishing those "cuz they deserve it" than trying to fix things.

MoreQuicklyPanel. Customizable shortcuts to many functions. Before Android 4.2, it was the only way to get wifi or BT toggles in your alert shade.

The Panama canal locks are 975'x110'. The USS Forrestal, the first supercarrier, was 121' wide and 990' long at the waterline, making it 11' too wide to fit. The modern ships are over 130' wide. They are far too big to fit through the canal, at least until they complete the new canal in 2015.

I get what you mean, but even as an Illinoisan (who is predisposed to look down on you, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa AND Wisconsin) I'm forced to admit Mississippi and Alabama vie an otherwise uncontested battle for worst state in the union. And by extension, you and the other farm-states are actually not bad by

FT03 (as opposed to the mini and the rest in the poll) is really a different kind of beast. You can fit much larger coolers, have a better choice of power supplies and motherboards and have vastly more space for expansion cards (dual GPUs or a wireless NIC if your mobo doesn't have one).

I deeply apologize for my false assumption. Please don't kill me. I have a dog and a Netflix queue I'm only half-way through.

Yes, damn autocorrect. While there's no rule-making body, reason has been the core of atheist thinking. Sure, you can refute that and believe in nothing at all, but that's getting close to existential nihilism (which isn't necessarily mutually exclusive).

You sound angry. You should go take a swim. That usually relaxes me.

You vastly overstate the amount of thinking which has gone into this kind of whining.

Actually, that eating fish on Fridays is mostly a Catholic thing. However, none of that matters because your main point is right; it's a story. It's not real. It doesn't matter, unless you're Amish, because then you're using electricity, which will surely condemn you to Amish hell. Which, actually, couldn't be THAT

Do you approve of murder? Because fake you has, I'm sure, done it thousands of times in many, many games. Do you approve of baptisms? IT DOESN'T MATTER. IT'S A GAME.

I think you should have quit the game, turned off your gaming device, left your house and then find someone who would let you sleep with them. Hopefully, that would teach you that life is far, far too short to waste 30 minutes of it running around in a fake world trying to avoid a fake baptism which is meant to draw

OMG, thank you. I was scanning the comments and felt like I was the only person who though "WTF, that's no pig, it's the spawn of some kind of ham-demon"? It's straight of Inferno. Not the book itself, but editing room floor of the Inferno; the stuff Dante thought was too damn creepy to print.

And C3PO wasn't? They could have at least picked R2D2, with his knowing shorthand and that probe thing that twists and turns...