I will not tell you that you don't feel better after taking it. That would be insulting. I'd ascribe it to the placebo effect, which can be a powerful thing, unlike Valerian which has no body of evidence supporting any chemical effect.
I will not tell you that you don't feel better after taking it. That would be insulting. I'd ascribe it to the placebo effect, which can be a powerful thing, unlike Valerian which has no body of evidence supporting any chemical effect.
Obviously, the PRIZEE!
Good news, it's just you and your mind. Valerian root doesn't do anything for anyone, as far as science has been able to test.
Good play, good sir or madam. Good play.
Absolutely true. However, the difference between willow bark and Valerian root is that the former has evidence that it works, the latter is just junk sold by "alternative medicine" scam artists that should be arrested for impersonating a doctor, pharmacist or both. Unfortunately, they've been able to lobby themselves…
We're talking about REAL medicine here, not quakery.
BitCoins are something Sam Biddle owns several copies of. He's looking to juice the bubble a bit more before it pops so he can sell at a nice profit. Sam Biddle, like the Wall St. types on TV that push a stock they own, is a terrible person.
The correct response to being told a lie on top of another lie (and not THAT good of one, mind you) is not give up and check out. Using adultery (even if you or Skyler didn't view it as such, Walt did, and she knew he did) to emotionally harm someone is NEVER the right solution. If she wanted the divorce, she should…
She did everything...except tell him she knew he was lying. She did everything...except demand the actual truth. Instead, she pulled away, which is passive aggressive. At least, that's what she did until Season 3.
Sklyer White is terrible and it has nothing to do with sexism, or the fact that Walter (who is also a terrible person) threw her into a horrible situation (and compounds it monthly) without her knowledge or permission. It has everything to do with the fact that she's a petty, passive aggressive coward who does…
No. The biggest crime perpetuated against the gay community isn't the denial of marriage rights, it's the removal of their right to build a life. To have a job with a living wage. To have roads, bridges, tunnels and schools that aren't in danger of immediate closing or collapse. The same things we all need to have a…
Interesting mix of right, wrong, and close-but-not-quite you have there.
If you used my toilet brush on shit smears, you'd be banhammered from my bathroom immediately. Just flush a second time.