Nope. If you're in the stall closest to the door, I have full right to use the second closest. Beyond that, I'm not going to double check each stall to verify if it's in-use or the door just got stuck closed.

And he's dumber than the old golden boys. There is nothing to fear. These people aren't capable of achieving any more power than they had 6 years ago and it's been slowly slipping away since. Nixon they are not. Cruz is the kind of person Nixon would set up for a fall just so he could laugh about it later while

A search for him is surprisingly clean. Yes, even image search.

Good combo of humor and disgustingness.

I know, everyone knows you just toss the damn thing out your window. Preferably if you live on or above the 3rd floor.

Yeah, but as my memory comes back, the 6800GT would overclock as well as an Ultra, so the Ultra was an extra $100 and bragging rights, but no better performance delta.

What about an Nvidia 6800GT AGP, which was (if I recall correctly) the most powerful AGP card ever sold?

Ha! I get it "beat to death"...cricket bat. Very clever.

Compared to the thousands of other things that are more likely to kill you in a given day, no, you really shouldn't worry about HPV. If you have to worry, worry about the other things. Scary anecdotes don't change that, and shouldn't change you.

Rushed? Do you even remember the debate over that thing? It dragged out for a year, including 2-3 months where everyone was so tired they had to take a break and do other things. That doesn't include the time spent on prior work (everything from Romneycare to a thousand think-tank proposals stretching back to the

What about all those spam comments? Sure, it's nice to know that some robot's sister makes $5,468 a day on the internet, but damn.

Why would you worry about HPV? Something like 70% of people have it. Only a few species of HPV are dangerous, and only when left untreated for DECADES. If you have even half-way decent medical care, you will NOT have to deal with anything serious. Aside from biopsies, where they punch out a piece of your downstairs

You may be right, Jonathan Mahler, but still...fuck Ray Lewis. Now and forever.

Match: 99% of profiles seem like they were written by the same person.

The things that people SHOULD say instead of just "it's easy"

There is no way I'd recommend a DSLR to a beginner. They'll be gone from the consumer front in 5 years, tops. Eventually from the pro level too, but that will take longer. Mirrorless is the future. They're smaller, have features DSLR's don't (pinpoint focusing, always-on live view), and the lenses you buy for them

It's called nostalgia.

Sure. They probably have a mountain of spares, and the drawings, and the tooling. They might not have the people to make use of the tools and plans anymore, so once the spares run out, these things will get far more expensive to fix than even now.

Uhh, do you have experience working with machinery that's been out of production for 20 years? Spare parts dry up, and you can't just buy a replacement off the shelf. Once they're gone, they're gone. They don't get cheaper, especially for a limited, bespoke item like an F1.