I actually support paying everyone a living wage (and pricing that into the food upfront) and tip for good service. But thanks for being an asshole and having poor reading comprehension. Not having an obligation to do something doesn't mean you can't choose to do it anyway.

1) You don't pay income taxes on money you didn't get. Anyone who does that is screwing you over and then lying to you.

This is article is messed up on multiple fronts.

Try to not be a jackass next time, and RTFA

It will kill the engine, completely and irreparably, in about a minute. Watch the episode.

Why? Do you go around sniffing your gas cap before driving? When you use bleach in the laundry, do you spill it all over the ground?

Watch the ep, or (spoiler) dump bleach in the tank.

I drive past it during my commute. The gravel parking lot and the ever present cop car are enough of a warning.

Yes, but there's so few pro athletes (probably in the area of 10,000 nationwide, excluding low level baseball leagues which are middle class jobs, and not necessarily full times ones either) I doubt it budged the number a tenth of a penny.

Whether or not one is bigger, smaller or equal in size is missing the point: which is that there are two problems and focusing on one half will not get us where we want to go.

The 77 cent BoL statistic is rather misleading. When they construct that number, they basically lump everyone in together and count the difference between a fund manager (predominantly male) and the teacher (predominantly female) as a huge disparity rather than the more relevant difference between (say) male and

Actually, women in the public AND private sector make 91 cents on the dollar once you account for tendency for women to seek lower paying professions. The 91% figure comes from a 2007 study by Blau & Khan. Other studies come even closer to eliminating the gap, but 91 is a nice conservative figure. The 77 cent BoL

No, it's not the UK. People in the UK know how to use roundabouts. The 3 or 4 in the metro area? Total clusterfucks. The one in Schaumburg even has stop signs on the edge, because even the traffic planners are too stupid to figure out the whole point of a roundabout is it's all yield and no stop.

Oh, yes, fuck you Elk Grove. For the unfamiliar, this dump literally has one small grove in which they keep elk. The rest is warehouses, a sketchy strip club, ugly homes, and a cemetery for the people that couldn't figure out a better way to escape, all directly underneath the flight paths of two O'Hare airport

Nobody would use the word you created because it makes the user sound more ridiculous than the intended target. Try not half-assing it. You don't even half to invent one. There's already 200,000 English words that already exist, many aren't even used today. You can borrow one from another language. I'd bet $20 that

And? There's a different flavor of asshole for different looking people. So what? That doesn't imply a bias against those groups, nor is that a tacit approval for anyone not in those groups to be a huge flaming dick. If you come up with a good term for tall jerks, you can bet it will catch on, because the one thing