You assume the federal government would really care if a few cop cars got smashed. That sounds like a state/local problem to me. Except for that one time he crossed state and national borders to commit a vigilante act, but I think they'll overlook it.

It's why you never, ever, EVER tell them what your last salary was. It's none of their goddamn business and you have to have good dodges in your arsenal to keep their nose out of it.

Because it's good "visual set piece". It doesn't HAVE to make sense.

Rick usually opens his offer at about 50% of the retail value, and can be talked up to about 70% on obscure items, and 80% if it's something that will sell quickly, wasn't too expensive and doesn't require refurbishment.

The Lions aren't pussy-cats, that suggests softness and weakness. They're more like a a pack of large dogs that you let drink liquor to see what happens. They run into things really HARD, but it's uncoordinated, undisciplined, and the one named "Suh" just peed on your buddy's girlfriend.

Because Lovie Smith is horrible with challenges. Even when he's right, they charge him the timeout and let the play stand as called.

My reply to getting pulled over once: "I know why you pulled me over. I'm not going to lie to you and say I'm sorry I did it, because I'm only sorry that I got caught. I will accept your professional judgement on how to deal with this and will avoid doing it again while in your village."

The main competitor to Brawny paper towels is Bounty.

When you said"'meritocracy' is usually code for 'white guys get the promotions.'", YOU were trolling. The topic was the merits of teacher's unions, and you injected an unrelated topic, specifically one that you figured (correctly) would get an emotional response. It was a straw man mixed with an ad hominem and it was

I wasn't advocating any personnel changes. I was suggesting that the difference between the scabs and the "otherwise" isn't nearly as stark as what it was made to be. I have no power beyond making that point, so I honestly haven't considered how to apply it. Maybe change the review policy? Have more cameras on field?

The refs are terrible. They're just as bad as the replacements. Godawful, the both of them. The only virtue of they guys working now is that they get to the wrong decision quicker.

How a bout a good monitor with better than 1080p rez in a size less than 27" I sit 2-3 feet away from my screen and I have no interest in having to turn my whole head to look from one corner to another.

Why would one be ashamed of something that everyone else on the planet does? Your statement is nonsensical.

xkcd, which is "dicks" backwards, essentially.

I had a long-winded answer as to why your theoretical model (which you did apply the theory correctly) doesn't work in real world scenarios all the time (long story short, the demand curve from $599 to 604 is a lot steeper than $604 to $609, because...marketing theory), but then I realized I didn't give that much of a

Shit. And I was getting used to 20 megabit HSPA.

You don't set your price based on cost. You set price based on what your buyers will pay. That's why Apple's costs are often 1/2 to 1/3 of the sale price, and their gross margins are 50-70% per unit.

Of the dozen or so responses, I feel this one is the closest to the appropriate response. +1

I'm totally with you on weather info. Furthermore, when I want to talk to someone, I walk over to them. I don't need a stinking UI. When I want to figure how to get somewhere, I just start driving in roughly the right direction. Read an email? Go to the desktop, and send that bad boy to the printer! I don't even need