
No Vertu phone? Not any of them? Bad list.

Once you get to 620ft/200m, far lower than this theoretical tower, the problem is that wind forces will start to exert more force than gravity does. Honestly, the wind would probably blow a 2x2 tower over at about 10ft/3m

I also don't understand people that defend Fortune 100s with their own PR and legal teams that are paid exorbitant sums to defend said company.

Your argument is a fallacy, specifically the false alternative. We don't have to choose between a complete DIY God Box and a sealed irreparable appliance. There is a middle ground, and honestly, all that glue probably makes any in-warranty repair more costly for Apple and more time consuming for the user. It's just a

I think you misunderstand me. My goal was to TRY to put the scope of this issue into context. It is a herculean task that makes such things as flying a space ship to Alpha Centauri look manageable, because we at least know how to do that even if it would be too time and resource consuming to be practical at this time.

Miracles only happen to people that don't understand the process that lead to it. "Singularitarians" apply a superficial assumption based on something they have experience with and apply it to fields they have no understanding of and draw the conclusion that if it worked for them, it will work for someone else. That

You completely missed the point. If we could just "science and lifestyle" everyone to this kind of age, we'd be doing it, or at least have a good idea of how to do it. We don't, because life-extension has rapidly decreasing returns at the century mark. Each additional year requires vast amounts of work and resources.

Easy? We can't even begin to describe what we'd need to do to stop aging (we haven't even come close to fully understanding aging, we don't even know what causes dementia), and you're calling it easy?

Tin is even more-low key than algae. Look at it, it just sits there and doesn't even look alive. It's playing possum at a pro-level. God help us all when it acts out on its plans.

At 1,123 feet, she is the LONGEST US Navy vessel. Not largest, in fact, she was the smallest carrier in the Navy. But it's okay, I forget about the other two whole dimensions all the time. Three is a lot to keep track of.

How do you know it wasn't intentional? Algae are way too low-key to not be up to SOMETHING.

The human body starts to decay rapidly after 100. The odds of a 100 year old making it to 110 is about the same as your odds of getting to 100 (1 in 1000, meaning the odds of reaching 110 is 1:1,000,000). There has only been one person, ever, who was verified to have lived to 120. The odds of one of us living to 200

Aside from the early algae that, basically, created our modern atmosphere. The earth didn't form with a 20% oxygen atmosphere.

Nexuses (Nexi?) are sold at cost through the Play Store, which is why Nexus 4s are going for $500 elsewhere. Most handsets sell with a $100-150 profit, generally a 25-30% margin. The $300 difference between cost (an iPhone costs pretty much the same as a Nexus, R&D included) and price is pure net profit for Apple.

Google has just about the WORST customer service of any company. They're not quite Goldman Sachs, or Dell, but that's because those companies TRY to be awful. Google won't put in that level of effort.

I think you articulated my case better than I did. Bravo sir.

Anything and everything cutting edge you could possibly cram into a Micro ATX case. I really mean bleeding edge, I want a severed finger in the bottom of the case, next to the 1TB SSD.

That health regen that added 1% to your health each second, instead subtracted 1% per second. A pretty awesome bug, if you ask me.

I did this in SimCity 2000, until the beam missed the dish and blew up my fire station and some of my industrial zone.