Radio wave is a generic term for emissions of a certain type of EM radiation (in this case radio, as opposed to infrared, light, UV or gamma waves). Your cellphone emits radio waves, as does your microwave, the sun emits pretty much every kind of wave from radio to gamma. An EMP is a very specific, very powerful wave

In short, it depends on how protected the equipment is and how powerful the attack is. If the EM flux is within the item's tolerance, nothing will happen. If it's more, most devices will shut down. If the flux is substantially more, and especially if the device isn't grounded, then it will suffer permanent damage up

Yeah, but those biceps...who cares about honesty when you can do 5,000 curls in a minute while doing a marathon, while doing heart surgery on Dick Cheney. The guy is amazing.

I know, it's definitely not more dangerous than ones own hands. I mean, just the other day I accidentally stabbed by coworker with my index finger, but that's my fault for having a 3" long fingernail that I keep sharpened and honed. Once he gets that new, non-lacerated kidney, I'm sure we're going to laugh about this

Having worked at AT&T, including a time when they were less evil than they are now (they really went downhill right around the time the 3GS came out, those on the outside wouldn't see the damage for a while after), I can assure you that the rep doesn't give a shit how long you've been with the company. They're just

Elite? Heh. The qualitative difference between the "elite" schools and any other accredited institution (barring a few outliers on the low end) is far, far less than what many proclaim. The advantage of an elite school is the networking opportunities. The course content is largely similar, and if a school has a new

Ian Fleming also wrote one of the most racist books I've ever read. Go find a copy of "Live and Let Die". Granted, it was published in 1954 (which is why I excuse the henchmen who were made rabid "by marijuana"), but...man.

Nah. I don't think he actually hates women. He is, however, so goddamn stupid I wonder how he got elected in the first place. Oh, wait, I remember. His district was originally along the Wisconsin border, he was the south neighbor to Paul Ryan. His district is full of stupid opinionated blowhards, and they elected the

Easy, go part time. A lot of jobs want 5 years experience as well as the grade degree, everyone else wants 2-3 years and an undergrad. Having 2-3 years experience and a grad degree may make you overqualified. So the timing works out for all involved.

Comics are there for the time when Mass Effect games don't make $200 million.

Never underestimate anyone's incompetence, that includes Microsoft, Apple, Google, you and me and the people we all work with on a daily basis.

Google "clean install windows 8 from upgrade media".

There's ways around that. There's always ways around that. There will always be ways around that so long as MS is happy that you bought anything instead of just pirating it.

What kind of engines would use helium 3? Thermonuclear. Since fusion is a revolutionary leap in technology, an endeavor just as resource consuming as space exploration itself, that's not really solving the problem.

What "skeuomorphism card" are you talking about? The author was largely supportive of the concept, and pointed out there's nothing wrong with it in and of itself. Like all design choices, modern or classical, it is the implementation that makes the difference.

The only thing aggregate image size dictates is lens size, and therefore depth of field. Low light performance comes from the size of the individual pixel elements. A MFT sensor with 16MP would perform better than an APS-C with 32MP in low light, since the latter is packing significantly smaller elements. However,