
Those headlights tho....

Ah yes - RUF Yellowbird. Amazing car control considering no safety controls or anything to save your ass if something goes wrong.

You think apple gives a shit about your privacy? lol.

You belong in a museum, Dr. Jones!

*Caught fire after one hour.

What’s more impressive is they managed to find the only 249 on planet earth that can fire more than 100 rounds without a stoppage.

I think the money would go muuuuuuch better to buy Jalopnik from Gawker Media, myself.

The Focus RS looks like a really pissed off catfish. And if you have ever gone fishing for big catfish you know they put up one helluva fight.

I need to see what these guys have been up to. I played this A LOT.

I played this game so much as a kid, had the driving wheel, pedals, and all that. I can remember I always used the Countach or the Nazca BMW thing. Fired it up not too long ago and it’s still a blast.

Now playing

Hard Drivin’. Best arcade Racing Game ever. It’s got jumps, loop-a dee loops, high banked corners, and the best part, a CLUTCH! Need to start the car? Use the clutch. Need to shift? Use the clutch. Don’t use the clutch? Car stays kaput. I loved this game as a kid, and would love to play it again.

I REALLY like San Francisco Rush. Such a fun game.

Now playing

F-ZERO!!! Played an emulator a few months back. Still great.

Spy Hunter.

Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed

RC Pro-Am. Still a riot 28 years later. And that damn orange truck is still infuriating.