It has happened a few times, where it takes me so long to finish after p in v sex has already happened that he gives up/I give up and we are both cranky. Yes, I figured it was tiresome for him so I really wanted to figure out a solution before it starts to bother him too much.

No problem! I hope you have an amazing time planning your trip : )

Yes, I go to Paris quite often!

Yes, definitely something to try. Actually, measuring against my past experience, he lasts a good amount of time. I just take forever, haha.

Oh you lucky lady! It takes me a bit of recuperation time between orgasms, I can keep doing sex things but not finish again for a while. I'll try the finishing before idea though, thanks!

I think it is more an issue of the amount of time it takes to finish me after sex. The longer it takes, the more worried I get that I am taking too long (say, 20 minutes in or so. it can take a while) and more stress=taking even longer to finish. And he gets frustrated because he feels like he isn't doing it right.

Awesome! Off to the sex store tomorrow I go. Thank you!

Congratulations!! Well, you can't go wrong with Paris. It is definitely lovely, but not a one stop shop. I am in love with the Louvre and the large Clignancourt market is fantastic, but there are other places to go as well.

Yeah, same problem here. Thank you!

I appreciate the solidarity : ) Like I mentioned to buffy, I've had previous issues with vibrators desensitizing me to penetrative sex. But I'd be down to try a smaller one just for use externally, that's a good idea, thanks!

I've had previous desensitization issues with vibrators to the point that I stopped using mine. But I've never used one that is solely external, so maybe I should try one of those little ones, bullets I think they're called?

I can keep going no problem. But it takes 30ish minutes for me to finish if I'm not warmed up, so it is definitely a commitment for him to finish me first. Maybe I'll ask him to play around with his technique and we can get there a little quicker : )

I have been seeing this lovely guy for a few months now. No problems so far, except for this slight issue I have been struggling with. Alora, it takes me much longer to orgasm than it takes him, meaning that he usually gets me off manually after he has already finished from p in v. Yesterday he brought up that getting

sexy sex question in the reply. please and thank you.

I am a youngish adult living in Europe (alone). There are a lot of places that are completely safe to travel to by yourself! Have you been to Europe before? Are you into museums/markets/nature/esoteric early christian political history? Figuring out what areas match your interests is a good start. For example, Italy

second semester senior feeling the exact same way. oy! just got to get through it.

Mushu, the gypsy dog.

How you are feeling isn't "wrong". The fact you are reaching out is a good sign that you might be willing to try new things, if you become comfortable enough with the idea.

first paragraph=my life story