I have a French friend named Amelia who goes by Mia, but M is cute too!
I have a French friend named Amelia who goes by Mia, but M is cute too!
Mia seems like an easy nickname for the nickname, if the Frenchies in her life get to her : )
Sooooo you think someone who is 55 lbs less than you wouldn’t struggle to breathe beneath you? Double standards much?
They are a group of similar characters that act as comedic relief and often make mistakes in their hijinks.
Great post! And is it just me, or do the satyrs sound like the minions?
I was dating another band geek for a month or so before I started to get realllly annoyed with him. Since the Valentine’s Day dance was coming up, my friends and mom tried to make me stick it out. So, I stayed with him as long as I could...which happened to be about an hour into the dance. I broke up with him on the…
Bahaha, that's even better.
I sincerely appreciate that Mr. Hogan is wearing a banned item in the main photo. I see what you did there.
This. There are so many Russians I have spoken with lately, all well educated and living abroad, who perpetrate this. Including the ones living in the US or going to American universities (the irony).
I lived in the UK this past year and when I deigned to get something from Mickey D's, these were surprisingly decent. I sometimes even got these instead of fries. Pretty much the same caliber as TGIF here in the ol' US of A, which isn't saying much but what exactly are your expectations for deep fried cheese from the…
Yes to frozen go-gurts. That is the only way they are edible.
Oh thank dog. I would have been lost without them.
Wowee! I feel so spoiled. Shmanks!
Those are my crack, if crack were chocolatey, moist goodness with the best fake icing made by mankind. They are no longer available? Damnit, I was so looking forward to them when I move back to the US in a few months...
I'm a millennial and I loved both of these as a kid! Getting paper AND wax in your mouth? How fun!
OH MY GOD this. I don't know what it was about that neon-colored insanely sugary goo but I loved those.
I once ate an entire bag of watermelon warheads during a movie. I wasn't really paying enough attention and didn't stop when I should have. The next day my tongue started peeling and it shed an entire layer of skin (taste buds? whatever your tongue is made of...). It was awful. To this day I can't eat sour candy.
I love Eataly, I always go to the one in Rome. However, this "theme park" idea sounds like a fancy version of the big food markets all around the country. Not sure what the demand for it is, besides tourists? But how many tourists will actually make time in their trip for this...could be a massive food waste.
Oooo, that is all very good information to keep in mind. If only I had time to get to Suffolk!
Bahahah, I laughed out loud at that last bit. Your poor dad! I would go into his fish shop and proudly buy whatever he recommended. Unfortunately, meat prices here in London are a bit difficult for me to swallow...I haven't had a good cut of salmon since I moved here : ( Do you recommend I try smaller shops rather…