UGH I hate people who eat their steak more than medium. Even medium I'm a bit skeptical of. Here in the UK everyone eats their meat super duper well done charred to a crisp. I always have to order things a step rare-r than I would in California. Also, I always have to ignore the cooking instructions on supermarket

Ack, did anyone else see that product placement? This song and video were probably paid for by Adore I understand why there are so many women running around in underwear.

my heart, it's melting!

The most important advice I can give for online dating is to be patient. I was on OKC for over 2 years when my boyfriend joined and messaged me. The rest is history. 2 years for me, 3 days for him. Don't give up!

In order to have that free healthcare you need to register with the NHS, the British healthcare body, otherwise you don't exist in the system and don't get the healthcare (my boyfriend is an Italian citizen in the UK). But, in the UK system you can get emergency care for free as a tourist, besides the cost of some

1. just because something scares you doesn't make it bad.

I'm glad you like it! I'm actually not a big Breaking Bad watcher, so I'm happy to know I did good : )

This is a story about badass 4 year old me. Anyway, my grandmother insisted on cooking brussel sprouts for thanksgiving, even though they are extremely vile. So, she cooked them then gave me 1 to taste...gave meaning manipulated me into taking it from her with a long, long lecture about how healthy they were and I had

We put a $100 total limit on gifts, so I decided to search for some good deals and try to get a variety of things.

Ok, over the edge. Now I'm crying.

I'm pretty sure most of these are not for grown women. Aka PINK is tanking and they are trying to save it through any means possible...I suppose they subscribe to the belief that any press is good press?

I'm pretty sure most of these are not for grown women. Aka PINK is tanking and they are trying to save it through any means possible...I suppose they subscribe to the belief that any press is good press?

Please do. Also, depending on your state I could make more specific recommendations...

Eh, unless you are classified as an independent contractor you have more rights than you think. There are of course huge class action cases, but I have seen just as many that are filed by one person and they win (experience working at an employment law firm).

After working in an employment law firm on the company side (thankfully an ethical one that doesn't put up with any "non-retaliating" retaliation bs) I do know where you are coming from. However, you don't need to talk to a lawyer to file a complaint with the EEOC! And actually, you can get a non-profit to file n your


So many of you have outstanding grounds for a lawsuit. And there are (free) channels to complain even while you are still working there that will protect you from retaliation. Please, ask your local Legal Aid Society about those channels if you are in a bad situation at work!