This is actually a dream scenario of mine. I would deadass daily a ‘17 GT (I paid half a million, I’m getting my money’s worth).

The Recon’s giving me vibes that it’s meant to go straight-up against the Bronco, which is funny because the Bronco was pulled from its grave to take on the Wrangler.

Hell, isn’t the big thing about the Lighting (besides, well, EV) that it straight up looks like regular truck?

I know there’s likely a very clear explanation, but I just can’t understand how the hell you can Austin Powers a goddamn cargo ship. 

So basically Wind Waker: The Abridged Series?

That thing looks like it was designed with a straight edge ruler on notebook paper bought at the “back to school” section at Walmart.

Customizing Mario in Odyssey was pretty cool, could at least bring that in for MK. 

I’ll be amazed if this wasn’t already done long ago. 

I would honestly just be happy with essentially an Alien Isolation reskin.

I am loving this way, way more than I should.

Man, that artpiece is pretty damn cool, too. Shame this is what it will always be associated with.

I’ve seen a few SFMs with Mario animated over dialogue from Emmet from The Lego Movie, and honestly they could just do that and I’d be cool. It worked surprisingly well.

I can’t watch timelapse videos like these without hearing the King of the Hill theme. 

I know there’s a good reason why that thing’s so compact, but I don’t know what that reason is.

I want an open-world Ridge Racer that’s straight-up in the universe of it’s air combat sister series, Ace Combat. If you’re familiar with the locales of Ace Combat, you’d know why this would be awesome and more special than many other open world racers out there. 

...hybrids are scary?

Maple goddamned valley. The only other track I can think of that would be a better showcase of “lookit how pretty our game is!” would maybe be Fujimi Kaido.

I’m probably just ignorant here since I’m not the biggest bike guy around, but seeing that superbike kick back *that* hard out of the slide and just completely go apeshit is nuts and I’m kinda surprised a messed up arm is all this guy has to deal with. 

I’d piss my pants too if my car was basically wallriding. 

Man, that thing looks much better in a brighter color.