Yes you can and you can do it rather easily. That seven-year-old kid is an asshole. See, that wasn't so difficult.

Bullshit. Call me when it's deep fried.

How does that cost $14.99?

I'll take the racist. he just talked shit and said something offensive. Williams could've actually killed someone.

Weddings are a total waste of money. Save even more by going to the court and skip the entire damn thing.

It doesn't really count as saving money if there was no reason to spend that much in the first place.

This article should be titled "8 Ways I Trimmed $5,000 Off My Wedding Budget." The author lucked into a cherry deal which saved her a cool $11,000. She was also able to talk the band down $5,800, which means the band was ridiculously expensive to begin with. Negotiating isn't a "tip"; if you aren't negotiating, you


Do they let every moron write for Jezebel?

Zimmerman was not 'white' and defense did not disclose several critical things about Martin in court such as his history and picture of pot/guns/fights that were actually true and not some 'allegations' some newspaper tried hard to find.

I guess if you were reporting on OJ case

I dont get the part about white privilege. George Zimmerman is hispanic. One look at him and you can tell he isnt white.

This whole trial was bullshit, and Zimmerman should have gone to jail for at least manslaughter. BUT HE WAS NOT WHITE. Can we please stop referring to him as white, saying he has white privilege and

I was trying to think of a way to summarize my feelings, I think you hit the nail on the head. My goal as a parent (16+ years now) has been to create a person who is self-sufficient, educated, and will become a contributor to their world, if not a leader. "Don't be an asshole" goes a long way towards that. When they

I disagree with a lot of this article. It honestly sounds like certain writer has a lot of childhood issues they need to work through.

The "reply all" to get people to stop "replying all" is honestly my favorite part about working in BIG BUSINESS. The sheer stupidity of my fellow employees and even a few of the higher up executives is fascinating. I'm always tempted once a month to send out a random reply all just to get the whole thing started

Someone just accidentally sent a scanned document to a company-wide (30,000+) distribution list. The number of morons replying-all that they're not the intended recipient is astounding. It's basically a company-wide intelligence test. I'm up to 187 replies in my inbox. Idiots.

Do you think Trey's panna cotta from the dessert round of this week's Chopped was really the worst thing that Scott Conant has ever put in his mouth? If not, what do you think IS the worst thing Scott Conant has ever put in his mouth?

Why is it that people generally have the etiquette of an ogre at work when it comes to bathrooms and shared areas, like a break room or refrigerator? Are they this fucked up that their bathroom at home looks like a shit tornado rolled through? Or their blob of half eaten gruel is left to funk up the break room?

If one sport were to be indefinitely cancelled, which other sport would benefit the most, and why? For example, if all of baseball were to stop suddenly and never be played again, and all of those athletes wanted to remain in professional sports, would there be a large influx of quarterbacks into the NFL? If no more

hey drew,

Is there anything more excited than driving around and seeing an actual prostitute working on the side of the road? I don't stop or anything, but it is kind of a thrill. Oh, and they never look like the ones on TV.

Douchebag hats have evolved like this over the past decade or so: white hats, trucker hats, fitted hats, snap back hats. What can the douchebag of 2014 and beyond expect to see next in this trend?