At my last place, had a pretty severe mouse problem. I didn't really kill them in a humane way but it was also pretty ridiculous when they multiplied.
At my last place, had a pretty severe mouse problem. I didn't really kill them in a humane way but it was also pretty ridiculous when they multiplied.
1am in the morning
This whole incident speaks to some fundamental problems with American culture, especially in the inner city. And it's something a lot of people who live in suburbs, rural areas or even other countries just don't get.
Dealing drugs makes you a good sports agent? Wow. Only wish my college had a couple course in pushing crack on kindergartners so I could be the next Scott Boros.
Well, looks like I can finally drop out of high school. I used to think meth just got me high; now I know that selling it will teach me how to build a massive media empire. Thanks Jay-Z!
I still dont like Skylar. Also not a big fan of Jessie. He is an idiot.
There are two giant dicks in this photo.
No hummous? No tzatziki?
Never tired Sriracha. I almost never want to because of how many fucking bros I see eating it.
I'm on team Bonkers Law Student.
Too bad this letter isn't being received well because people be crayzay with they eating. Oh my god. Microwaving fish in the office kitchen should be punishable by death. And if you can't chew with your mouth closed, you should go home and practice until you can. My god.
Wellllllll, while obviously incredibly anal, they have a point. People seriously do not need to eat every fucking where they go. I hate eating in class, eating in meetings, eating and WALKING (weird pet peeve of mine)! Seriously meal time is meal time is meal time.
Yes, get to the bottom of it, Coach. So important to investigate who released damning audio that paints you as a total asshole. That's the important thing. Get on the same page with the administration — because there was a lot to this — and don't rush to judgment. Due diligence first. You have to know the…
"Sunday, I went to a ballgame at Sox Park, a few miles from where I live on Chicago's South Side."
"Sunday, I went to a ballgame at Sox Park"
TL;DR X infinity
Entirely too many words for a garbage baseball game.
TL;DR: White Sox suck, Indians might not suck.