John Kuhn, Jed Collins, Henry Hyonski, Bruce Miller, James Casey, Rhett Ellison

This is the best way to sum up all the comments about McCown being a better option than Cutler

Looks like the industry is full of them. I was so hoping Gallo was who you were talking about. He did all of the above.


Yes please. Sure, why not. eh, if I have to.

maybe to you but I do not see the appeal.

I genuinely do not find her physically attractive. At the most superficial level, taking out her vile opinion and idiotic beliefs, I think she is borderline average. At best.

*not pretty

The loose/lose can be attributed to spell check and auto correct. It bothered me too until I realized that I was unknowingly doing this myself due to auto correct.

" I don't have kids" HA! No shit. There is no reason in the world why a 4-6 year old would need their own phone.

Dave of the dead looks like a (bad) ripoff of the Annoyance Theater's (Chicago) show Zombie Genius. Very similar premise. If there is a character who only says "Brains" there may be a law suit.

This just in parents who parent have less shitty children.


so brave.

Attn young MCs, this is hip hop.

so brave. tell us more about how awesome you are

so brave.

Hey Deadspin, wanna buy a Deadspin commenter?

I often eat at my desk. 5-10 min for whatever I have. Then I take the rest of my allotted time to do whatever I want. Go for a walk around the area (large downtown) or surf the web.