
Umpires calling balls and strikes is also something I do not agree with. "Some have a bigger zone." is not acceptable. The technology exists to enforce a true and consistent strike zone. Joe West is the worst.

Every game is officiated differently. Just like a umpire calling strike. Some have bigger zone. You adapt and play the damn game.

"What is a foul on Monday might not be a foul on Thursday," said veteran official Steve Turner"

This is unfair. Yes, Deadspin posted a video of the injury, but what kind of sports site isn't going to report this injury? Apart from the hijinks that go on here, Deadspin does post news, and this injury is no exception.

This is so not right on the money. I guess it looks like a good joke.

If the shoe fits, Ware it.

POW! Right in the kisser!

YES SIR!!! Best comment ever!!!




Agreed. Adidas should know by now that the only acceptable currency when profiting from misfortune is page views.