TWTW. The will to wither away and outlive all of you while continuing to spin old timey yars about Yaz and making up long elaborate tales of old that never happened.

It is amazing how so many people don't get the joke.

What a huge dick! The penis on the statue is big, too

Look at that cock! Oh and the statue has a big penis.

I am anti Sriracha based solely on how everyone foodgasims over it.

There are 10 things wrong with this list.

I made this comment and it was deleted.

because its not about what he said, its about who leaked the tape of him saying it.

Maybe shooting a bouncer in the back and paralyzing him from the waist down.

you spelled "love" wrong


Do shut up. Nobody cares about the white sox.

2 QP W/ cheese meal (burger, med fries and drink) + 20 piece nuggets = 12.37.

he did.

stop bitching. If you want to stop drinking, then stop. If you don't then get it under control and enjoy your beers.

a comedian? not one thing in the whole diatribe made me chuckle. Maybe that is your problem. You think you are a comedian and you are just not funny nor are you clever. Go back to drinking and change jobs.

Yes but probably not as soon as you think.

I see your point and I can appreciate the effort and the skill he brought to the role.

I couldn't stand either of these movies and the performance by each of these actors is the main reason why. I found both to be over rated and meh

dumb list is dumb. My wife and I had our child in a city on this list and are raising her in the same city. Couldn't wish for a better place. The worst places to raise a child have to be all the back wood, rural, hick filled hell holes in the south, southwest, west, Midwest, Appalachian Mountain region, Northwest,