I do not like that band at all or I'm not sure that this is entirely true. They were able to drop their rates twice by $2,500? They charged that much to begin with and then they were so willing to give up 5K just because you asked? I don't believe this whole story.

And she killed herself with a lifetime of drug abuse. Not shocking or sad.

The teevee show "naked and afraid" is intriguing on many levels. but all I really want to know is if and when they will bang? Do you think this will ever happen? If it does happen will the producers show it? Or even admit it happened? I know the people are exhausted, dirty and whatnot but that thought has to be

In Chicago it is the "L" not the "El".

As the child of two retired CPS teachers, I think he is awesome.

not even close to being as corrupt as Jr. Not even close.

F- Jodi Arias. Could be crazy in the sack but might kill you. That is a one and done situation

I did think Bernie Nicholls was going to be great when the Hawks picked him up. I was not a smart 15 year old.

that ABC line was supposed to take us to the cup!!

'cause you sound mad

you mad?

Nah. I'm good. Thanks anyway. Maybe you need to educate yourself some more, it's good for your brain. /asshole

do shut up. this had nothing to do with her race.

These are all crap suggestions. Stop drinking any and all of these.

yes, I REALIZE that. It was sarcasm, a joke.

Under the dome? Simpsons did it first.

I couldn't agree more. Telling your child they are smart when they make the correct choice or excel on a test (or task) is very important.

meh. next week somebody else will say the exact opposite. Here is the real tip for parenting, don't be an asshole. It can be hard, it can be a challenge but resist it. Don't be an asshole to your child, don't be an asshole to your spouse (or partner) and don't be an asshole to other people. This is difficult