Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.

great. got it. I asked this at 10:26 am and it has now been answered 9 times. I don't really care that much, didn't enjoy the movie enough to stay awake or pay attention.

"proven to be" and I stated "I'll admit I fell asleep towards the end"

I agree. I did not really enjoy it. I haven't liked any of the recent Bond movies.

Thanks. I missed more than I thought.

How was it explained that "Bond" is not a code name? I must have missed that in Skyfall, I'll admit I fell asleep towards the end.

Umpires calling balls and strikes is also something I do not agree with. "Some have a bigger zone." is not acceptable. The technology exists to enforce a true and consistent strike zone. Joe West is the worst.

"What is a foul on Monday might not be a foul on Thursday," said veteran official Steve Turner"

"Why can't I shut off an author? " and " let me select which authors I want to read" are the dumbest things I have ever read in the comments. How about you don't click on articles by the author you don't like or just don't read the article.

I apologized to someone (not a friend, extended family - wife's side) for a drunken mistake and all it got me was a sucker punch in the head and several more shots to the head. I didn't swing back because I was sincerely sorry for the actions that upset the other person. I also didn't press assault charges for the

awwww. you mad?

You should post this again. 7 times just isn't enough. Fucking idiot

High chairs are a crock. We used this (something very similar) strapped to one of our dining room chairs and as when she out grew that she sat in the dining room chair. The baby supply "industry" rivals the wedding

if it is not egg and onion Matzah with room temp butter, you are doing it wrong.

aww, you are mad. I can tell because your grammar changed from that of a retarded hillbilly, 22 year old first grader to that of a second grade dyslexic. Congratulations! I bet you could finally pass onto third grade if they would just lift that blasted restraining order. Good luck to you and your inbred kin.

you mad? Because you sound mad. Mad and uneducated. Don't be mad.

It was better earlier but going strong as we speak. I may have to call one of those help lines if it lasts any longer. There was so much with your post that I could have picked at but I am so glad that my little grammatical correction irritated you so much. Maybe you will take the time to write correctly the next

"my girlfriend and I"