
2016 broke satire

Seriously. This situation called for a well placed crop dusting and nothing more.

I want BD Wong instructional videos in every topic imaginable.

How I read this initially.

After dealing with people like this for much of his career, he probably deserves it.

...and yet we still have people saying this is the greatest country in the world. When we acknowledge that it is a lie, then we can get down to fixing it. Starting with our terrible education system which bred the ignorance that got trump (lower case intended) elected. Smart people don’t vote that way.

No one mentions her poor, sad friend who has to follow her off the plane with all her stuff. She just had her trip ruined by her perpetual drama friend.

I knew someone that worked construction renovating a mint. Every time workers went out the door, the security guards made them remove their work-boots. Security was that tight. They never once looked under the debris in the wheelbarrow, though...

the 37different genders is not why dems lost. It’s this reaction in this exact post why the dems lost the election. It was a fucking joke.

“He truly doesn’t seem to understand the First Amendment.”

Discount Double-Check? Pssh, more like Disown disrespect

I’m at 3 years because my family are manipulative pieces of shit, and I’ve never been happier, and my relationships with my wife, kids and close friends are infinitely improved since having cut my family out of my life.

As someone who is at 5 years with no family contact (because my family are the most miserable people I’ve ever met), I say good for him. You can’t choose your family, but you can choose who you allow in your life. If those choices mean he’s happy, then more power to him.

Socialism isn’t a popular platform with moderates, so no, Sanders would not be polling so great once the GOP started attacking him instead of Clinton. Sanders was the candidate the Republicans WANTED to be running against.

My mother is very sweet woman. I love my mother. She cannot say bad thing about people. She is person that catches fly in house carefully to open door and let it go, allowing 4 flies into kitchen.

He looks EXACTLY like a sad trombone sounds.

Trump: “Ore... Ida?”
Aide: No, sir. It’s “Ne-VA-da”.

Don’t worry. We’re still good.

They are still together as well! Even though Felicity Huffman and William H Macy aren’t the classic Hollywood couple like the ones listed, they’ve been together since the 80's I believe!