
Thankfully for Huma she has a boss that can sympathize with having a narcissistic husband whose dick provides nothing but frustration.

“I’m not making another fucking web, OK?”

You do a really good job describing the absolute primal rage one feels when a loved one gets mocked or treated like your brother did. I don’t know where it comes from but it’s powerful. As an aside, my wife and I often say that one of the many silver linings that came from our 2nd son being born with Down syndrome is

Very touching. I am a pediatric orthopaedist, and a large portion of my practice involves ambulatory and non-ambulatory CP. The ambulatory kids go through so much anxiety and frustration regarding their “differences.” It is very hard to convince someone to wear leg braces when there are numerous little shits making

Has anyone in the Teen Wolf outfit tried surfing on a van?

I'd take a gyro over a burrito every time.

I mean, you fuck one goat and they call you a goat fucker.

things get very lit, very fast.

What an elitist thing to say. We rent. We rent a house in a nice neighborhood with decent schools, and as is often the case, we pay more than a homeowner, as well as maintain the yard. Totally worth it when the economy takes a turn for the worst and it affects property values and interest rates. We don’t have to pay

Cards against humanity?

Bollicks. Harry Dresden is urban Gandalf.

Doctor Strange is Sorceror Supreme. His urban ‘hood is the transdimensional carpool of the crossroads.

He doesn’t learn magic to fix his hands, he goes to the magic person to get his hands fixed and that’s where he learns magic, after his hands have been healed.

Her splits must be really uneven.

Don’t forget

Like any “controversy” they have generated in the past, it boils down to them encountering something that makes them uncomfortable and then insisting that thing is wrong instead of questioning their own beliefs and asking themselves why it makes them uncomfortable. These people are often racist and/or sexist, and

Convenience. I plug my phone in when I get home and don't worry about carrying it with me. The Echo just lets me ask for whatever I want it to do and I don't have to go grab my phone. It's also a very decent speaker. I have two, one for my kitchen and one for my bedroom. I've also preordered two of the upcoming Echo

Its really helped to untether myself from my phone while at home. Plus, it can be used by everyone in the house at anytime.

We bought an Echo. It sits in the kitchen and we tell it to play music, NPR, or ESPN in the morning. We’ll get weather, news, traffic, etc.

Aaaawww... Now I’m sad...