
you know how to find out if a woman is interested in you? ask her if she's interested in you. you don't have to use the bs "science" that hair touching is a sign that she totally wants it, bro.

when you teach boys about "signals" on how to read women, you are reducing women to objects. you are not emphasizing that

GUESS WHAT!?!?! THERE'S A WORD FOR THAT. The word that you are looking for is sub-conscious not that you really give a fuck. The irony was perfect and in the end, that is all we'll both be able to take away from this interaction.

thanks for the link with the "scientific data" but you're missing the point.
this is an article critiquing rape culture and the assumptions that "women want it"
even if you have an article that "proves" that women "semi-consciously" want it, we should be teaching boys about consent and healthy relationships, not

It actually manages to be misogynist and misandrist simultaneously. I feel like that's quite a feat.

Actually, the research doesn't tend bear this out- the traits valued in mates vary quite a bit culturally. For example, a large cross-cultural study found that in places with low indices of gender equality, men do tend to value beauty while women tend to value wealth. However, in places with high gender equality,

did you get that idea that "pushing your hair back behind your ear during conversation is usually a pretty reliable indicator of interest" from real interactions with women or from a frat-bro instruction guide?

...irony much?

I've pointed out to man after man that what they really mean when they say they "don't like makeup" or prefer "the natural look" is that they don't like it when someone wears badly-applied, overly heavy makeup. They surely cannot identify how many things a woman may be wearing on her face, unless she is literally

I think that's a really good point, and one that I've not thought much about. I'm lucky to work at an office where makeup isn't really considered necessary to be professional, so I only wear it about 50% of the time. I enjoy doing it, I like playing with colors, but if I wake up 20 minutes before my train leaves,

The problem with your assessment is assuming that all men are alike and all women are alike. Same old tired stereotypes. Yawn.

I think its funny that men either ignore or do not consciously realize how much a woman's conventional good looks (or lack thereof) affect how she is treated by all of society and in every facet of her life. I was an ugly teenager— no two ways about it, just awkward and ugly. Its funny because now that I'm older and

Nothing is more irritating than when a guy* says, "I don't know why you women get all worried over that stuff! I *like* a woman with [insert ANY physical characteristic]."

I just want to add our notion of beauty is tied to the western idea of beauty. Words that will always haunt me even when I am at my most confident, "You're pretty but not in a white girl way."

"If she starts putting her hair over her ear, THAT MEANS SHE WANTS A KISS."

Does anyone have a citation regarding this guy's stance on sex education and birth control? If it's anything but responsible education and birth control for all then he's a huge fuckin' hypocrite.

Where are the men in all of this?

Wowza! He just made that a lot worse!

What an idiot. The Internet's the thing that screwed you, along with sites like this. Spurious causation, bro.

I tuck my thick hair behind my ear all the time because having it rubbing up against my face annoys me and has nothing to do with interest. I do it when I'm alone, when I'm with my boss (who.. well, hell no, and wrong gender anyway), with friends, with my mother, walking my dog. You get my drift, it means nothing

I know I have seen recent douchebag pics with popped collars. And with that, I bid you get off my retirement home lawn!

Ugh, don't give them any more ideas.