
It is. But just like women have to make great efforts to stop or reverse say internalised misogyny, self slut-shaming, body shaming etc men would have to work on themselves at the same time.

I disagree. I am talking about a mindset of an individual, not deconstructing social narratives.

Ah, gotcha. Ya, the knife cuts both ways. So you're saying, essentially, that it is like internalised macho culture. A man sees a woman succeeding and instead of seeing his own life as successful independent of her, he sees it as a failure (even if it isn't). If you go up the ladder, I automatically go down: if I go

I agree for the most part but wouldn't a lot of that resentment women had for their successful partners stem from the fact that they had no opportunity, nor societal backing, to shine themselves? That they might not have even been allowed to be hired for those jobs?

refused to use barcodes because of the whole "Revelations/Mark of the Beast"

Yes, but by this logic wouldn't it be better to be on the pill because then you don't ovulate, thus avoiding the massacre of countless zygote-people? Wouldn't a woman's body be a serial killer because of the zygote-people it expels throughout life? Why would god make a woman a serial killer? I mean even if you are

I wish I knew!

I love Trish Summerville as a costume designer. But I can't buy that shit because in real life this is what will happen...

Look in the eyes of the pictures and you can see the lighting set-up is drastically different. In the first there is more nostrils, harsher side light (see the hard shadow on the nose) while the second has soft light directly on the face (almost no shadow), a hair light and almost no up the nose pose (chin down or

No one in the history of ever has suggested even once that what a woman wore made a man lose his precious, delicate mind and made him do things that would be classified as asshole behaviour. You, sir, are a true genius to drill down to this treasure trove of intellectual discourse.

People with power lack empathy for others (study here). In a world where we define power as first and foremost about having a penis... it is easy to figure out the rest.

I'm not going to audit her feelings or what she did to move on with her life. I would like to note that it is normal that some rape victims don't identify their assaults as rape immediately after the fact. I am betting predators use this to their advantage in their toolkit to get away with rape. Being young, drugged,

Racism aside

I think because you are white you have been allowed to miss the racism in our country. I am a WOC who has served in the CF and let me tell you the racism is real. I've been to nearly every province and territory. People will condescend to me even while in uniform.

I am sorry you went through what you did. :( I hope you get what you need, if you need something (a shoulder, a hug). You aren't alone.

You have to take the words and actions in the right context - by taking them completely out of context, smashing them into a barely acceptable context and then assume everyone is like me and then get over it.

There have been studies like this in the U.S. Lisak, for one, or here. And McWhorter for another, or here. This study didn't exactly reflect the stats the Lisak found, but are pretty close. As in: the majority of rapists don't go to jail and the majority of those "undetected" rapists are serial rapists and essentially

For the rich debutant who slept in, needs her blanky everywhere she goes and wears diaphanous dresses to bed.

I think this is because we let ourselves believe the lie that men are "visual" when it comes to tits and ass but can't see dirty dishes or dust or dirt on the floor. We hand tiny girl children fake mops and dolls when they are 3 years old and get all fussy when they gets their "fancy" lacy dresses full of mud but go

I would like to add: have you eliminated coffee / stimulants? If you are vegetarian (maybe even if you aren't) you might want to get your vit B and / or iron checked.