
But somewhere in mid-stream, the bunny snuck under the bed and began madly pounding the floor with its feet — rabbitspeak for danger — which scared my date. She left, and I never saw her again.



Here's what I think would have happened if things had been going well, or even sort of well.

In other news, I could get lost for days in that gif.

This is weird, considering that most women I know (myself included) would see an attractive man with a widdle bunny and immediately throw their panties across the room. It's definitely not the rabbit, dude.

This guy sounds DREAMY!! I can't believe this evil rabbit is getting in the way of him "loading" women into his bed. Bad rabbit. If only he didn't have that rabbit. I bet before the rabbit came along, he was getting to screw all the back up women he wanted.

So his evidence that his rabbit is ruining his sex life includes four anecdotal women, two of whom did not know he had a rabbit. Seems legit.

Right? Considering he wrote that his mom asked him what was left of his house, my guess is that he didn't pen the bunny appropriately and didn't maintain the bunny's cage very well.

Perhaps he also was a bit...remiss in cage maintenance? I mean, if I walked into a prospective bedmate's domicile, and it smelt of animal excreta, I'd remove him from the running as well. Actually, that is what I think this man is. An entitled asshole whose house smells of pee. He might want to work on those.

Dude. Were we just Bunny Bombed?

Nobody wants to date you or return your calls? Women flee, terrified, from your bed in the middle of making out? Oh Dave. I don't know how to tell you this, but the rabbit isn't the problem here.

Theory: This man's bunny is actually psychic and is warning women away from dating this man. Excellent work, young bunny! Keep trying to scare them off, and if all else fails and it seems like they will have sex with him, keep running into the room and giving the "Danger! Danger!" sign.

I think you mean BINDER

How interesting (not!). It was reported here on Jezebel just last year that Twitter had hired nothing but male interns.

The company that hides behind 'freespeech' when thousands of women are harassed and receive rape threats has a woman problem

I find it hard to believe that there is a lack of female applicants. I applied for a job there that I was way overqualified for and didn't even get a callback. My female friend who applied for another role she was experienced and qualified for got as far as interview but did not get through the interview stages.

I'm sure it's difficult to find a female employee who fits in with your company culture when your company culture contains a sizable amount of misogyny.


The U Tube thing reminds me of my job at an iOS developer company when our old-business parent company CFO (and the company's lawyer) wrote us an email about "iToons". We died, right there on the spot.