In general, weaponized liberal outrage is a devastating resource, and we must only use it for good.
In general, weaponized liberal outrage is a devastating resource, and we must only use it for good.
I'm with you on this. I think folks don't see it if they haven't worked on the other side of academia. Students rise to meet the standards they're given and rarely any higher (the idea that students are always going to go above and beyond is why so many teachers and professors burn out, if you ask me). Students…
It really is a systemic failure that requires a systemic conversation. All colleges have programs in place for remedial/high risk students. But even those programs assume a baseline level of education has been received prior to enrollment. It is clear from this writing sample that this particular student either didn't…
Yeah, I know. But I ended up magically taking my classes in reverse order because I changed my major after a few years and writing a paper for INTRO TO IR as a 5th year senior made me want to rip my hair out. At that point the professors expected waaaaaaay more from me than the other students so I wasn't allowed to…
Many are black but not all. Making assumptions makes you the asshole.
Oh, so you're saying that only black athletes are cheating, have to cheat, come to school totally illiterate and undereducated, are uneducated, are dishonest, have no sense of integrity, and are essentially just bodies to be put to work? I'm black and I'm getting a huge sense of racism off of your comment. Please stop…
Don't wordshame. They're are lots off commenters on gawker, who have problems with there homophones
"No problem here," thought Andre Marriner.
For years, women have been pounding on the glass ceiling. With similar results.
Right, they love soccer more than women. That's fucked up.
Sexy men prefer Bump Its? Damn, that's what I've been doing wrong. To the As Seen on TV Store!
It's wonderful, absolutely wonderful! I'm financially independent. I look great. I'm healthy. It's never been better!
I really don't see how you expect us to get to the jelly and creme filled center without breaking it.
This is actually indicative of the new trend happening amongst young Tumblr professionals these days, which is "labia gap." The idea is that your vaginal lips must be positioned to form a sort of upside-down horseshoe; the wider the horseshoe, the more cachet among your fellow teen bloggers. There is training that you…
That's what that stands for? I thought the R was for Racist.
Based on his defense of playing the role, it sounds like he might be one of those people who does not really get that there is a difference between trans people and gay people.
Am I in before the MRAs come in to joke about how this must be about women because everyone knows that women are the ones who care about looks and money, not men, because of Reasons and Roles?
If Manhattan is Disneyland, Brooklyn is Epcot Center.