Well, technically, you did most of your winning with hidden cameras, but tomato, tomahto.
Well, technically, you did most of your winning with hidden cameras, but tomato, tomahto.
And Jordan only wore 23 to remind him of the rules of Blackjack. Presaged his future gambling prowess.
"You play the saxaphone poorly!"
- traditional Russian insult
" I know this is a strange problem, but do you have any suggestions?"
Solution: rip on the kids' artwork. "Macaroni picture? More like craparoni! It's like you've never even heard of the rule of thirds. What are you, 6? Oh. Well still."
I really should have gone with "Actually, filming a Kennedy shooting wasn't that hard."
I accidentally wiped Egg McMuffin grease in my eye while watching this. My friend saw me crying and looked over to see what I was watching. She hit replay and watched it 4 times before telling me that wasn't a real gospel choir and there was no reason for me to get all choked up about it.
Addendums as Made by a Lady
This picture was taken last week in Portland, OR.
In an equally stunning move, Aikman responded by referring to Manley as a "Redskin".
"You hate to see a young lady get unexpectedly hit from behind by a football player. Well, let us know if she would prefer hemlock or a good rope."
My heart totally breaks for everyone involved in this story - the people who have 40K to spend renting a house, the landlord who owns a house in an exclusive, expensive real estate area... So much injustice suffered on each side, for both of these people.
We live adjacent to two reservations, in Arizona. Walk up to a Native American American here, and greet him with, "Hi, Redskin!". Go ahead. As a matter of fact, make sure it's a tribal police officer. I am sure, as statistics point out, there will be no trouble at all.
I'm 1/16 Racist, and I find this football team's name Native American.
Man: "Hey, it's Scottie Pippen! I should politely ask him for an autograph after dessert."
This is simultaneously one of the grossest and funniest things I've ever read on this website.
Nothing, we mean nothing, turns a woman off faster than the smell of feces.
That's not a bump it, her hair is just full of secrets.