Rusty Shackleford

Yeah, hold up, does a dismiss button really exist, or are you speaking figuratively?


See also: saying the phrase "getting pussy" like you're in 8th grade and don't know what a vagina feels like.

Yeah but I mean, you really wanna encourage people to emulate wiggers?

"Wher are you from?"

Did you not notice who the comment was from? Always ignore him.

I agree that there is probably a (rightful) chip on Asian men's shoulders. However, I don't think these attitudes are limited to Asians alone. Actually, I would say the language component exemplifies this. Dudes like Eddie Huang code switch all the time. I think there is a good segment of Asian males in America that

Don't talk down to me. I AM one of the tech douches. It doesn't excuse the shitty behavior, and we make software and gadgets, not magic.

I've already written you off as bringing no value to this world.

Like McMansions for tech douches?

Why don't you go have a seat in the corner over there with misandry and reverse racism and other shit that don't exist.

1. You brought social class into this. You insinuated that people with low wage jobs don't do anything important, and therefore you don't care whether or not they smoke.

I am saying that employers don't care when you put a different (more harmful) substance in your body, so long as you don't do it during work hours.

I think it's funny you think I'm poor.

All the other guys are drunk. LEGALLY THO.

Excuse me, Mr. Sagan would like to have a word with you.

Up your troll game homie.

Wait, now I can't tell what the discussion is about. Are we talking about being intoxicated on the clock or off? My point is that the test is not designed to detect usage at time of intoxication, unlike a breathalyzer for alcohol.

I don't know if it was your intent, but that came off elitist as hell. Security clearance is required for a lot of things; it doesn't mean you're handling nuclear launch codes. Plenty of my friends have that, too.

Did you ever have a drink when not on the clock?