
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Brian Williams is totally doable.

Sent this, as a joke, to my friend who's husband favors microscopic speedos with a note that said "Think I found Jake's new swimsuit!" and he messaged me back saying "He's already ordered 2."

I would honestly rather see their naked junk at the beach than see a man wearing this swimming "suit"

Commenting on this seems like low hanging fruit. Or maybe average. I don't even know anymore.

I looked at the actual article and it's supposed to say "EYE Makeup"

Yeah. Most days I keep it simple with concealer, mascara and lipstick. Full stop. Doesn't really matter what order you do those.

I remember reading something about how Gwen Stefani said she wouldn't let her husband see her w/o make up or something to that effect. It just seems sad to me. I love wearing make up, and wear it most days but guys that I have dated still see me w/o it around the house, in the morning etc.

seriously! Forget about the two powders, explain to me these two items.

"It says:

What if she was sick? What if she slept in? What if she just had a baby or surgery? So many variables with this, seems like the facade just wouldn't be worth it.

That's....a weird thing to say. My son is severely autistic and he does not have feces covered fingers. He will never live on his own, but he can wash his hands with supervision. I realize you weren't trying to be offensive, but your post left me with a really icky feeling.

that rabbit's dynamite!

For me, it's his voice. Don't care what the body it comes from looks like, but DAT VOICE.

I use to be like you. Word of advice - don't watch any movies with him and DON'T watch any of this interviews. Don't go down this rabbit hole you'll never come back.

Watch Midnight in Paris. He is also in a morose vampire movie with Tilda Swinton that is surprisingly good.

I can't think of a single instance of better casting than Hiddles-as-Hank. The hollow cheeks! The soulful eyes! The rail-thinnery!

Mmm. That Hiddleston .gif. Thank you, Callie.