
Fun story!

As a history teacher in high school, I think this kid’s letter is the visual representation of awesome. At nine he is coherent, asking legitimate questions and pointing out problems. The real problem is the teacher’s dismissive comment that didn’t actually say anything. The teacher is disappointed? Maybe they should

You’re taking a lot of liberties in assessing what did and did not happen in this situation. I wonder if she actually did say this and not the perhaps bullshit that you assume she probably said. In my experience, teachers will often treat young students as if they are completely clueless to anything that their lesson

A few months into the Trump administration, a WaPo journalist retweeted a call for the Trump faithful to inundate the paper with fake scoops to prove how easily fooled the reporters were and said basically, “Yeah, you guys have been trying this for months. We just haven’t printed any of your fake news because we

There’s a difference between using that as an excuse and realizing you were in a bad place with drinking and drugs and doing fucked up shit you wouldn’t do sober, then getting sober and not doing those things anymore and apologizing. However its hard to tell the level of sincerity/remorse for an outsider and also hard

We should really get some sort of settlement for Gigli.

Omg that last one is exactly how I feel on bloated days!

I’m still waiting on my apology from Ben Affleck for taking the role of Batman.

I was looking sideways at Ben Affleck because of his brother and the thing with Matt Damon killing the story about HW. I hate the fact my concerns about him were confirmed.

She probably figures that Harvey is going to try for a comeback and if she’s the only actress on his side, she’d get the part.

She’s Anne-Marie Losique, a French Candian tv host and producer. I remember when this aired and I never forgot how fucked up it was.


This is so uncomfortable. He is obviously wasted and fully aware of his “celebrity”. Gross.

It’s the same as cat calling, leering, invading our personal space - men do it to remind women that our bodies aren’t our own and that we are always being observed as sexual objects when we’re around them.

Now playing

Re: Ben Affleck - A Jezzie posted a link to this video where he’s groping the interviewer a while ago, and I have never forgotten it. All there for the world to see. The quality of this video sucks, so feel free to reply with a link to a better version if you find one.

He doesn’t think of her as a fully formed human, she’s an object.

It’s right up there with “it’s snowing outside right now so climate change obviously isn’t real.”

Back in 2008-2011 when her life was on the verge of irreversible damage, i was totally rooting for her. I think I finally gave up on her in 2013, I didn’t want to, but everyone knows when to fold. the girl is so far gone. I genuinely wish someone could help her. I thought oprah was going to be that person, but you’ve

“He’s never harmed me so he’s clearly never harmed anybody” ??????

Wendy Williams is a trifling ass trick whose own home in in disarray. The end.