
Same! It just makes me feel icky and well, yeah, heavy. Glad I’m not alone.

Remember: People are more likely to reach out and post about things when something goes wrong. What you’re less likely to hear about are the majority of women who have IUDs and no complications or the usual expected short-term side effects (minor cramping, spotting, etc).

Upgrading your stereo is pretty cheap. My original stereo didn’t have a cassette deck and FM tuners aren’t a viable option in my city, so I got a new BT car stereo off Amazon for like ~$100-$150. I had a friend install, so I saved on labor, but if you’re pretty hand with basic car wiring or know someone, it’s pretty

I don’t think it’s difficult (I’ve drilled all my shelves), but I didn’t know it was a thing to anchor furniture that sits on the floor.

idk, Dorne looks pretty dope and tropical to me. I’ve only watched the show, so maybe I’m missing something.

OMG that would be SOOOO GOOOOOOD!

I read somewhere that Valonqar could be a gender-neutral term. If that’s true, Arya could be it.

Yup, that’s what I was thinking too. She looked genuinely happy for him and the support he was finally getting. She only got that look after seeing Little Finger’s very unhappy face.

Interesting! If Jamie kills Cersei (although I really hope it’s Arya!), would he really have to go through the mountain? I feel like he’d probably do it while they’re alone in her bedroom. Although maybe she’s on high alert now bc of the prophesy.

I took Sansa’s look as a reaction to Little Finger’s sinister look, kind of an “Oh shit, what is shady dude up to” look. I noticed before that, she seemed to be genuinely smiling while everyone was chanting in support.

I think Benjen got Bran as close to the wall as he could. Looks like they’re making their way south to find Jon.

I’m gunning for Arya. I initially thought it’d be Jamie, but praying to the Seven/Lord of Light/Many-Faced God/Drowned God/etc. that it’s Arya kill.

Average citizens, especially younger generations, are not likely culpable. But the same cannot be said for older generations and the gov’t. It wasn’t that long ago (my grandmother was young, but she survived it and is in her 80s), so there are still people who lived through it and know damn well what happened.

Ayyye. So hard finding a legible map. Dorne is not that close. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad shit’s moving along, but I can’t make heads or tails of most of the timelines, esp. with the last few episodes.

Lil’ Finger’s face during the chanting scared me. I smell plots of regicide in the future. For more than one king/queen.

Agreed. I'll suspend my disbelief with teleporting if it moves this shit along. But was still surprised to Varys on the boat.

They might quabble at first, but brother Tyrion will quash the in-fighting and get them to ride those dragons together and kill the ice king and his merry band of walking icicles.

Jemaine looks my dad when he was young, which creeps me out. Still love the show/jams though!

Thanks! Was hoping someone with some gravitas around here would point that out since my quibble would just wallow in the grays.

THANK YOU! That’s exactly what I was screaming at the TV the entire time. Even if Rickon didn’t have enough sense to do that, why wasn’t Jon telling him to zigzag?!?