Same! It just makes me feel icky and well, yeah, heavy. Glad I’m not alone.
Same! It just makes me feel icky and well, yeah, heavy. Glad I’m not alone.
Remember: People are more likely to reach out and post about things when something goes wrong. What you’re less likely to hear about are the majority of women who have IUDs and no complications or the usual expected short-term side effects (minor cramping, spotting, etc).
I don’t think it’s difficult (I’ve drilled all my shelves), but I didn’t know it was a thing to anchor furniture that sits on the floor.
idk, Dorne looks pretty dope and tropical to me. I’ve only watched the show, so maybe I’m missing something.
Average citizens, especially younger generations, are not likely culpable. But the same cannot be said for older generations and the gov’t. It wasn’t that long ago (my grandmother was young, but she survived it and is in her 80s), so there are still people who lived through it and know damn well what happened.
Lil’ Finger’s face during the chanting scared me. I smell plots of regicide in the future. For more than one king/queen.
Agreed. I'll suspend my disbelief with teleporting if it moves this shit along. But was still surprised to Varys on the boat.
They might quabble at first, but brother Tyrion will quash the in-fighting and get them to ride those dragons together and kill the ice king and his merry band of walking icicles.
Jemaine looks my dad when he was young, which creeps me out. Still love the show/jams though!
In my experience, whenever that’s pointed out to them, they defend it by claiming that all gun owners are basically an ad hoc militia...government tyranny...*mouth foaming*...etc.
I’m guessing Dems who are unfortunate enough to live in a red (i.e., Republican-leaning) state.
A bubble bath while eating falafel sounds pretty relaxing tbh.
Your brother is amazing!
I’m pretty ignorant about engineering as a whole, but this doesn’t seem like it would limited to working in the public sector. Aren’t there private companies you could work for doing the same job, possibly at I higher salary?
Publishing salaries are notoriously low. The starting salary at my company was $25, and six years later, I'm barely making $40. And I don't even live in NYC! Still a major metropolitan are so cost of living is still pretty high.
Congrats on never letting your cunt call the shots!
He’s legit the only reason CNN still has even a shred of credibility.
I don’t know where to focus. HALP.