
The microwave part makes me so sad ;o; put a bit of butter in a pan and grill it!!!

How the hell can you not make grilled cheese? It's just cheese on bread stuck in a microwave for 10-15 seconds.

Oh god. I live on the west coast of FL and I swear the elderly drivers here will be the death of me. Wrong-way drivers, stop-sign ignorers, 20-in-a-45ers. What is "right of way"? They don't know, and will literally follow you to your destination to bitch you out about being "disrespectful of your elders" if you do

It's the old people, the tourists, the Republican bureaucracy, never-ending road construction that only results in longer commutes. It's perpetual road rage resulting from vacationers who don't know where they're going and retirees who should no longer be on the road. The heat, the bugs, the constant nagging from all

Old people. Do old people still move to Florida? If they do, that would be my guess. I go to my mom's assisted living frequently and have been yelled at for doing things like: trying to exit the elevator, daring to try to step into an already-occupied (by ONE person) elevator, not saying hello to someone, looking at

Isn't it a fairly common fantasy for little girls to have special "real" parents who are royalty or something else super fancy who will come take them away from their normal lives? Slender Man is a pretty dark twist on that obviously, but I don't think these sorts of fantasies are limited to children in unhappy

I come from a very happy home with two intelligent, well-educated, compassionate and available parents and a wonderful baby sister, but I definitely identified with the "radical hippie" subculture in my youth and often contemplated "running away" to be an EarthFirst! activist. I didn't consider this running away so

Yes kids runaway from happy homes, they normally come back a few hours later, when they get hungry.

Middle school is terrible. I'd bet most kids in middle school have fantasized about running away from home at least once, happy home or not.

Do children dream of being princesses/princes and being in castles? This was just part of a gothy 12 year old's fantasy I bet. For some reason, Slenderman was attractive and being a part of that world was desired.

That's what I don't get. It would be one thing if she decided all on her own, "Hell yeah I'm the person to stand in for this legend." But she didn't. If Dave and Krist are OK with it, who the hell are we to judge?

When people ask for privacy, I've always assumed they mean don't show up at their door hounding them for interviews and calling their house and their friends nonstop for info. Publishing pictures that are already available on the internet in no way violates his request. I mean, really.

But this is such a heart-warming acknowledgment of a truly brave deed. Fuck their privacy when I have a chance to feel good.


its very strange how the hive mind of the internet works. Chaotically evil, as well as chaotically good. This is the type of response we should have when ordinary people step up with a random and selfless act of bravery. I donated to his GoFundMe.

Has everyone forgotten this? This was probably one of the first magazine shoots I ever saw her in and she was rocking a pixie then.

The thought of Iggy Azalea lecturing anyone on "appropriateness".

I know I'm a week late to this party, but reading your story makes me so happy for you to have found this kind of a connection. You're both lucky! (and damn, there is really nothing better to cap this off for me than a shared love of Corgis. Those short little legs! *gush*)


Right? I absolutely love it, but there is no doubt in my mind that he does, too. None of my other tops ever spent much time at the aftercare, and it's kind of a weird thing to ask for, because—like topping—it's only good if they really want to do it. My guy is insistent. He won't let me get up for anything and always