
I started reading this comment thread, and I don't want to sound patronizing, but I just wanted to say that you deserve a lot of praise for going into therapy. I am pretty sure a close relative of mine has undiagnosed BPD and from what I have seen of it (and read about it) it is pretty fucking miserable to have,

I read more of your posts so I get it a little more. OK so first, BPD really makes you see things in black and white, and can elevate misperceptions - my sister has it and I've seen this with her. I think that since you're in therapy you're doing good work toward this. Consider DBT - it's been very helpful for BPD.

Being thought of as a creep would surely suck. My question to you is, are you acting like a creep? What if you are acting like a creep? Do women owe it to you, or them, to overlook it?

You know, as a gay man, I would be pissed off if you simply say that I'm creep and walk out.

Aw, dude, come on. Just because you've felt negative emotions before in relation to romantic endeavors, it's not okay to accept a date with someone of a different sexual orientation than you, just so you can get a free drink and call someone a creep. That's just being shitty to someone for the sake of being shitty

If you didn't think of yourself as a terrible person, then maybe you wouldn't be lonely. You can't find love unless you love yourself first. Why don't you join some groups. There are groups where you meet strangers at a restaurant or join a frisbee or dodgeball league. There are ways to counter loneliness and the

Serious question: are you getting that you being a self described terrible person is why you are lonely?

I actually think it's interesting that your plan, as a man, is to "tell him you owe him nothing, call him a creep, and then leave." I and probably many of the women reading what you've written have lives full of experience that would compel us to seek out an escort - police, bouncer, or otherwise - before we felt we

This "minority" is prevalent enough and vocal enough that their actual numbers don't matter for SHIT. And the fact that pretty much every woman on the planet can attest to a least one incident where they were verbally or physically threatened as a result of this mentality - I mean, fuck me, how much proof do we need?

"i can't say i've never felt some of those emotions before. feeling like no one attracted to you and people think you're a creep sucks. and asking someone out sucks too because then they have the power because you're the one who likes them."

To be fair though, I think girls have this too. That whole "feeling like no one attracted to you" is basically every girl's life. I constantly worry about the fact I've only been on two dates in the last year, and obsess about what I did to not be called again. Did I not have enough makeup? Did I have too much and

Yeah - my fiance didn't "not all men" me but he kind of started in that direction about how this is a "vocal minority" or something and I think the look I shot him shut him up real quick. Minority doesn't fucking matter - someone is out there threatening me* all the time. All the time.

I guess male-as-the-default-setting actually works in your favor when you're doing undercover feminism!

I am in a hotel in Washington, DC, and my boyfriend is taking a bath, reading. I barge in, demanding to know if all men are terrible, eyes blazing. He tries to calm me down, but I am upset.

what they want isn't "most women", though. They feel entitled to the size 4, white, rich, blonde sorority girl (80% of this or more is about looking good to other men!) and see the women they could actually get as "beneath them".... while the women they want, are so far out of their league that they're in orbit. If

If you're unattractive to women, their rejection and neglect of you is what's supposed to happen. That you would want to inflict the same on gay men is disgusting.

Women, argue PUAHaters, will only go out with good looking alpha males and would never look twice at anyone who isn't a musclebound dreamboat with a six-figure income, and most men will never be those things, and so the world is against them and life is unfair.

Seriously, thank you for doing the emotionally demanding work that I'm sure this was. This is all terrifying, but important to know about.

Kinda-update: I went to check the room again this morning, and it's now password-protected.

That shit is really starting to bug me... Can't I just pay five bucks for a decent puzzle game and be done with it?