
Anti-psychotics are prescribed to a number of people with various mental illnesses, from depression and anxiety to schizophrenia. Psychosis is a symptom, not a disease. And people suffering psychosis don't actually have the frame of mind to reasonably plan and commit mass murder usually. But there are always some

"Elliot Rodger and Why Cops Didn't Take the Warning Signs Seriously"

I'm not saying that this guy wasn't profoundly fucked up an misogynistic. I'm saying that the police involvement in this case wasn't necessarily hampered by sexism per se. Two separate arguments.

Ari, I'm really disappointed in you. We can talk about all of your points AND how he was a product of our misogynistic culture. You know from being on Jezebel for as long as I can remember and I've been on here nearly from the beginning that there are dudes ON HERE RIGHT NOW who agree with this guy. YOU'VE HEARD

I work in mental health, and based on the videos, this guy IN NO WAY meets the definition of psychotic. Angry, depressed, misogynist? Yes! But he is certainly not out of touch with reality. In addition, it's very difficult to hospitalize a person or force psychiatric medications on a person unless they demonstrate

Why is it that men are the ones that commit these types of crimes when they lead sexless lives, entirely composed of (perceived, implied, imagined) rejection?

Now playing

I wanted to challenge you on this so I looked up grass (yeah, LOL "grass") growing, which is pretty boring and found this. But even this guy explaining how to make grass grow is way, way, way more interesting than watching One Direction getting high.

That is LITERALLY the most boring video I have ever watched.

Probably most of the criticism is not sexist but so many liberals can be very sexist. However she is in party that hates women yet she is not calling them out , so she is probably using this as a way to score points.

I always hate it when I see people say misogynistic or body shaming things about Ann Coulter or Sarah Palin. Just call them idiots. It's a good enough word that doesn't make you part of the problem.

I seriously doubt my fellow liberals in South Dakota (S'up you two) are saying anything bad about this asshole just because she's a woman. If they're saying anything, it's because she's an asshole.

I was mentioned by name in a suicide note by a boy I'd turned down. While I feel badly for his death, I do not, cannot and WILL NOT take blame for his actions because I refused to date him. I am so sick of this idea that men are owed a date/kiss/blowjob/anything just because they want it. Nobody owes anybody

Reminds me of when everyone wore these.

They published her name and the location where she works. They put her in danger. Yes, we need to call that out. I talked to someone who is friends with her family, and they are terrified. This asshole had fans, and they are already threatening her life, among other things.

This is what bothers me about Jezebel's headline (which I understand is probably a headline by extension, but whatevs) - I took a look at this dude's long, rambling manifesto and none of these girls really actively snubbed him. As in, turned him down, told him no. The vast majority of them had no idea he even had

100% this. He was quite willing to play the exact same game as his sisters in the exact same way, until it stopped working for him. Now, it's possible that he's had an actual change of heart about their lifestyle based on changed circumstances (namely that he knows he won't be able to afford it himself), but I'm not

Rob wasn't down to earth until his looks became an issue. Until he put the pounds on, he was quite the douche. I don't feel sorry for him at all.

I have no idea who half of these people are and only a vague idea of most of the rest. (George Clooney and Brad Pitt being the notable exceptions.)

Top of the dress looks like a lobster bib. I know she was really trying to keep it klassy, and wanted to emulate Princess Kate, but the lace kutouts just killed it. She does NOT understand the balance between covered up/showing skin.

I'm putting in my nomination early this year. "Professional idk" and "Business Coachella" should get you shortlisted for whatever GM's version of the Pulitzer is, Callie.