
Are you going to shoot her if she doesn't reciprocate?

Also live in a country with low to no gun ownership. It does not help. Many women get stabbed instead. Or beaten to a pulp. Or raped. Sure you may not have mass shootings, but with the huge amount of bicycles in this particular country, all it takes is a rental moving truck and a sick person could mow down 30 in

I'm gonna have to argue with you on this one. Culture of violence is right. Violence IS widespread and doesn't just involve men who are idiots, which is an arbitrary classification. You know we're living in a culture of violence when seeing safe, consensual sex on TV or OMG A BOOB are the worst thing ever, but we can

There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for what you want! If she refuses you have to decide whether to still get her off or leave. Just a warning tho - if she's never offered before there is a good chance she's just using you to get her and might have zero interest in getting you off. Which is pretty selfish

Wrong place. Wrong time.

Unless I've misunderstood completely and the senior in question has threatened you with gun violence should you refuse her invitation, your situation is not - at all - in the same vein as the 3rd instance this week of women being fired upon for refusing sex.

seriously? Fuck you. Fuck you very much! I go to after parties after closing time with dudes sometimes - just because I want to keep partying does not mean we will have sex and I have every right now to. Are you saying I deserve to be shot???

If you are doing mansplaining as performance art, that was brilliant. If not, you are truly clueless.

Women will need to carry aside from the pepper spray and the taser, an inflatable doll, throw it like a grenade, hopefully the assailants will consider it as a substitute.

Yeah, I'm waiting for the MRAs to show up with "clearly real men can hit their target so this was obviously a warning shot and women are overreacting". Like, what's a little gunplay among new acquaintances?

I almost hurt myself SQUEEing at this!

I wonder if animals think we're naked monkeys, or if they misconstrue our clothing as some strangely coloured, strangely textured fur. We're like multicoloured, felted monkeys.

I'm sure this black dude is going to get the same "mental illness" excuse like the other guy right? Right?

Sure, I mean—people who make bad decisions deserve to get shot, amirite? Forget about the nut job firing random rounds—let's kick off the victim-blaming and debate whether these girls deserved it...

I read that as Stockholm and was very confused.

I'd like to rewrite Lysistrata where the women refuse sex to the men, the men righteously slaughter all of them in bloody well-deserved vengeance, and then bro-five each other and go out for brewskis.
The problem is, most people wouldn't get it was satire.

Remember everyone who was talking about how it's irrelevant to talk about the role male entitlement played in the Elliot Rodgers shooting? And how that tragedy was about mental illness and nothing else? This story shows it's not such an irrelevant discussion to have after all.
