
See also: "a magician without a poof"

Arrested Development reference ftw

Accidents happen and you get on with your life. The collective tampons of "it fell in and I'm not going after it" would be so much less a strain on the system than what we have now and thus a great improvement.

YO PRO TIP: IF IT'S SOMETHING DESIGNED TO EXPAND WHEN WET, IT DOES NOT BELONG IN A TOILET. I say this as someone who has had to deal with sewage backing up in their place of employment all over the floor on more than one occasion. STOP FLUSHING YOUR TAMPONS at least in public bathrooms. If you want to deal with a

Guys, guys, if you don't want your bin stinking of tampons, wrap them in odour-neutralising nappy bags first! That's what my stepmum always told me to do. Wrap the tampon or pad in a little toilet paper, then put in the nappy bag.

hahahaha I posted my comment to the wrong thread. I meant to reply to someone talking about Diva Cups, but now I'm hoping that I start a rumor about toilets sucking out people's IUDs.


I do not understand why this is absolutely so gross for people. It's just normal to wrap up your tampon and throw it away. I think the floor being covered in poo water from the pipes being clogged by these "horrid" tampons would be much grosser. Though funny enough all this makes me think of is that dude pulling the

Yes! I'd be embarrassed even if no one knew it was me that left it behind and I'm considerate so there's that. People are strange.

Still don't understand how some women can pee or poop and not flush the damn toilet.

What on earth are you talking about? That is complete nonsense. If you're worried about the toilet suctioning out your IUD, don't flush while you're still sitting on the fucking toilet! Who does that anyway??? Also, that is completely impossible. If someone loses an IUD in the toilet, the toilet itself did NOT suck it

I'll just put this here.

Women are gross in bathrooms. I don't even understand how. There is stuff EVERYWHERE. Pee. Poop. Blood. Toilet paper scraps. Water.

Good luck convincing women to dispose of it properly when from my understanding they pee on toilet seats to begin with to avoid getting all the well documented ass-diseases that apparently only women have.

I just started an ab challenge that has me doing plank for 1.5 minutes by the end of it. And I thought that sucked.

30 seconds is torture. A minute is more torture. Our Pilates trainer makes us do it for a minute at the end of class - you know, when you're already wiped out - but it makes you both strong and cute with good posture after you've bee doing it for awhile, so there's that.

Holy shit! I was doing 10 sec reps and thought 30 sec was torture. In my defense I'm a lazy fatass, but imma blame it on genetics

I live near her. Maybe she'll train me? And accept tears as payment?

Yikes. I saw Guy Fieri with his "crew" at a bar in NYC, where they had something blazoned on the back along the lines of "Guy's Guys" or whatever, and were stuck in the Middle School mentality of being the biggest, loudest group to get attention and show how FUN they all were. It was fascinating to watch, like