
If he never did anything with it and never intended to, please explain to me why it's not ok.

Except he didn't do anything with it. Him writing it down was a "see, I COULD do something, but I won't." Believe me, I understand. I have definitely memorized truly awful customers' names and looked them up on the internet afterwards.

As an accountant I can say there is so much to LOL and WTF over in this photo.

How on earth does someone pay $5,000+ for postage and yet only $474 for PR? I mean, how on earth does someone spend that much for postage anyway? It's an e-newsletter.

So, let me get this straight.

Can no one say a goddamn thing without playing oppression olypmics?

Why does the word trainer evoke such a negative response from you? Would "pregnant woman gets bullied at the gym" do the same?

Wowza. Talk about a derail.

Okay but can I make fun of her boots in the above photo?

Don't forget tho, if she doesn't work out and decides to just sit on her tushy for 9 months she gets all the concern trolls worried about how much weight she's putting on!

Unless this woman is viciously pounding on her belly with the free weights while screaming "DIE PARASITE DIE", keep it to yourselves, trolls.

I always thought Liz was the bigger asshole. She's acts so insufferable goody goody, but she's just as rude, selfish and judgmental as Jessica. At least Jessica is up front about who she is!

I just want her to be with Ryan Gosling. If I can't have him, then she should.

I'd just like to express my envy of anyone, regardless of gender, who has curtain sewing skillz. I can hand-sew felt donuts, but using a machine is like asking me to fly a space shuttle. :(

My husband is a carpenter, which requires delicacy, precision, detailed work and craftsmanship. He also knows how to sew. Made the curtains for our daughter's bedroom. Pretty sure he would give Garfield the side-eye too.

I'm curious to hear Andrew Garfield's thoughts on the entire tailoring industry on Savile Row.

Here is my uber scientific theory—- that freak out was more about her being on coke or adderall. I totally do not understand why oprah is complicit with her claiming only problem is booze.

I know contracts are a thing and all that, but I just wish that when she blows off a commitment they could turn around and say "fine, we'll go ahead without her. No cover, no interview, no fee." Because I feel like she'd start waking up to her responsibility if there was a consequence or two, but it seems like there

When you can't stop moving your mouth and jaw because you've done so much cocaine. Some people grind. Some people chew. Some people clench.

I'm frankly impressed no one has resorted to this