
AHHHHH! Thank you for posting this because I had no idea The Americans was back. Monday just got soooo much better.

I was OB-SESSED with this bitch. Looking back, this was definitely some kind of torture/depression-porn phase for me. I think my mom still has one of the covers I redrew for a book report. Oh geez.

Oh sweet. Good to know in case I ever have to upgrade.

I have diesel VW Jetta that's manual. VW makes a bunch now, but they're that DSG crap and not fully manual. Mine's an '05, so if you're okay with buying used, you can definitely find one. The only other diesels I regularly see on the road are the old Mercedes.

I don't understand that baseball cap hairnet thing, and I don't think I want to.

Gurrrrrl, I feel us. Have the same exact problem. Every. Fucking. Time.

At least it's not University of Phoenix.

Nah, the widow was saying she was trying to give Aniston the photos.

This worked for me when I was young and had a bangin' metabolism. Now I'm thirty and my munchies have betrayed me.

Soups freeze well!

Yeah, I called that my depression diet. My late teens/early twenties were a dark time, but god damn was I skinny.

Any Jezzies do Tone It Up? Discovered it on YouTube about a year ago, and I've been wanting to try it out, but the price of the nutrition plan is a bit steep. So I guess my question is, is it really worth it? I really like the community aspect of it, but I also don't want to get sucked into some cultish money pit :\

Hmmm. Well you're definitely doing it frequently, so it's not that. Maybe for some it just takes a little longer? I think I've read that it can take 6-8 months for full hair loss.

May. So like 3-4 solid months before I started slacking. It didn't really get kicking for me until month two. Does the Precision zap (that's the technical term for it, right?) at the same strength as the regular?

Regular. Good lawd, I weep at the thought of having to do my thighs with the Precision!

I also had the same surgery (chin implant too) about 10 years ago now. Shit. Can't believe it was that long ago. Seeing my swollen face after surgery shocked me. I don't know what I was expecting, but not that. I looked like a fucking pumpkin. Sank into a bit of a depression from that and being stuck in the house and

I fucking love my Tria. I just wish the laser thingie was wider so you could cover larger areas faster. Doing my thighs takes for-ev-er, and I can only cover about half a thigh with full charge. Still better and cheaper than going to salon though!

I also had the same surgery (chin implant too) about 10 years ago now. Shit. Can't believe it was that long ago. Seeing my swollen face after surgery shocked me. I don't know what I was expecting, but not that. I looked like a fucking pumpkin. Sank into a bit of a depression from that and being stuck in the house and

LOL my dr. did the same with my klonopin. Told him that I just needed enough for a few flights. "Okay, I'll give you 16." When he comes back with the actual rx, he says "Eh, I decided to make it 20." Best dr. ever.