
Any chance you bookmarked that video? Asking for a friend.

Agreed! I like to spice it up by also bringing in a little charcuterie and cheese platter.

I LOVE how he takes the time to engage with each and every person at his signings. We probably gabbed for like 5 minutes while he had my books. I squealed so hard when I walked away.

What is your life? I hate you. In the nicest way possible, of course.

your user name = <3

IDK, man. The body's great and all, but his face just doesn't do it for me. Maybe it's because he still looks too young? Meh, I'll pass.

Thanks for sharing that link! That was an interesting thread to read. Hope we get to see the fruits of DrMunks's labor at some point. But how would we able to track that down or know???

Waaaaah! I wish it got cool enough to comfortably wear tweed and wool where I live :(

I'd be more impressed if it said "Personal Checking."

In your defense, tonic and soda are two different things. I'm a soda girl when it comes to mixers. Tonic has this bitterish aftertaste, whereas soda is just fizzy water.

I like your style.

Why? I think everyone gets that it's just a post-wedding vacation and not a deflowering ceremony anymore.

Wait, what?

You're actually the one that's acting quite dickish. All the OP did was state an (accurate) observation that dancing is not one of Swift's strong suits, without being rude. You had to go all internet crusader and come to her defense as if she was being viciously attacked.

Ahhhh, yes! That's exactly it. She's totally like Sandy!

it's not possible to sing well and dance energetically at the same time

That was point of the music video, not the performance. Her awkward shimmying is adorable, I guess, and it works for her. But dancing is just not one of her talents.

Laverne looks fantastic, but I really hope that fringe grows out quickly :\ It looks like one of my desperate attempts to cut my bangs when I'm too lazy to visit my stylist.

How did a copper IUD mess with your PMS? I thought they were hormone free. Am I missing something? I was really hoping to get one for that reason because even low-dose BC made me nutty and I lost my libido, which I'm seeing is not at all uncommon.

She really did make it look almost effortless though. Just kept going from obstacle to obstacle like it ain't no thang and not even breaking a sweat. I'm in awe. And jealous.