
Is this really considered an indie film? I live in fairly metropolitan area, and I know they're screening it at the AMC megaplex at one of our malls (maybe more). We have about 2 or 3 art house/indie cinemas and I don't think it's playing at any of those.

Also, if you have one of those fancy movie theaters where you can buy booze and have be to 18+ or 21+ to enter. It can be a little pricier, but it's a blessing, especially for the family-oriented or tween movies where you don't want to be surround by a bunch of noisy, annoying children.

Yup! I had the same discovery about a year ago. I've saved myself a lot of money and time thanks to that too! Also conditioner. I've realized that my hair is way too oily, and conditioner only aggravates the issue. I use this natural shampoo for oily hair every 3 or 4 days and that's it. Still flat-iron my fringe

I think I'm gonna miss John's Danger Dance the most. It's just so damn cute and awkward and endearing.

You pull off to the side of the road, not stop in the middle of the highway where your mob of friends proceed to surround the car in an intimidating manner while also blocking the rest of the lanes.

You pull off to the side of the road, not stop in the middle of the highway where your mob of friends proceed to surround the car in an intimidating manner while also blocking the rest of the lanes.

This also makes me sad.

Kim: I like what's happening at the top and kind of on the bottom, but whatever that cluster of fabric is trying to do in the middle is not working.

For real. I wish I had the $$$ for that dress. And maybe somewhere fancy to wear it to as well, I guess.

Ooooh! Wow, totally didn't pick up on that. Thanks! :) Guess I'll take that as an excuse to rewatch the entire series.

OK, I'm a huge Tina/30 Rock fan (or at least I thought I was), but I don't get it :\

Yeah, totally comes down to preference. I like the subtle shit too, but after a particularly taxing day, sometimes it feels good to just mentally tune out a bit. Some of my friends enjoy doing that with HIMYM or Big Bang, neither of which are my cup of tea, so to each their own.

Agreed. I love Winston, but it does often like he's kind of an after-thought to the writers.

See, I was one of those hold-outs who hated it because I felt that I should hate it for all its manic-pixie-tweeness, but last summer, in a fit of boredom (that's my excuse!), I watched an episode and was sucked in :\ Now, I unabashedly love the show. It's funny and doesn't take itself too seriously, which I kinda

I'm a tattooed lady, but good gawd is there some awful ink out there.

Preach on, sistah!

Hmmm. I don't know how it would slide out since I have to really use my kegels to push that sucker out when I'm ready to clean it. Maybe you just need to try a different brand with a larger cup?

That's it. Take back control! It'll be a tough sell for my doc, but I'll give it a try.

Wait, what? How do I get my hands on one of these medical boarding passes?

Amen. Xanax is as essential as my boarding pass. And booze. I had been flying without a hitch since I was a wee one, but over last 5 or so years I've started having full-blown panic attacks when I get on a plane. Not quite sure what happened there. Maybe my brain finally realized that being strapped in a flying tin