
As many as you want. The real question is: How many coworkers SHOULD you bone?

It’s got to go to Jeremy Schapp right. It is in his DNA. His own friggin’ father started the show. Nothing lets me know it’s Sunday better than trying to sober up drinking Bloody Mary’s while wondering if Jon Saunders is gonna have to choke a bitch while Mike Lupica or Mitch Albom blabber about nothing.

Part of my Sunday routine for a long time has been watching the Sports Reporters, and thus John has been a large part of that routine. He will be missed.

Hopefully ESPN doesn’t use Lupica to host Sports Reporters now. That is one of the only shows left with some dignity.

What the researchers did find, however, was that butter could be linked to a decrease—yes, a decrease—in a person’s chance of developing diabetes.

As the father of two girls who will soon be very young women, this disturbs me so. I’m not exactly sure why, since all of my life I’ve been perfectly okay with societal pressure to remove leg/armpit/facial hair on women, but there is something about this that makes me sad- as if one of the hallmarks of womanhood is to

So weird. I'm always taken aback when a guy expresses distaste for female pubic hair. Like, not to be a creeper or anything, but since I was 12 my singular goal has been seeing MORE female pubic hair.

Analogies are analogies not inherently because they give an equitable comparison of severity, but because the comparison typically shows something in an easier-to-understand way or because they use similar faulty logic. KillerBee wasn’t stating raping a child is the equivalent of suing a company for illegally posting

You are correct. Much as people whine about them, the NRA was like #239 on Open Secrets as a political donor. They spend a lot more on lobbying and “outside spending” (which I interpret as ad buying), but they’re not buying anybody outright.

I have to be honest, some of the amounts donated by the NRA are SHOCKINGLY low in terms of buying policy. Over the weekend, was tweeting the amounts each Republican “thoughts and prayers” congressperson received from the NRA and some of them were like a couple thousand dollars.


Now playing

There’s a made-for-TV movie about this starring Neil Patrick Harris and Anne Archer.

“I’m sure it’s nuffing. The mistress didn’t hear annythin!”

This is close enough to how I live that honestly I’m a little resentful of his free rent.


Once in Milwaukee, the relationship between Dolly and her husband deteriorated further. On August 22, 1922, a fight between them became violent and, fearing for her life, Sanhuber came out of his hidey-hole, grabbed one of Oesterreich’s .25 caliber rifles, and shot three rounds into his chest.

Fuck Jose Bautista. He has the smuggest beard in sports. And I’ve actually met Olivia Munn.

Here are the credits for that supercut, courtesy of Andrew:

For me it boils down to consent and an expectation of privacy. If you decide to have sex in the woods, in the park, or pretty much any public place, you are in may ways waiving that expectation of privacy. No matter how secluded your are, you are still in a public place. There is nothing you can do to stop some random

No, because obviously this is not a forum in which people are allowed to have differing and layered views as is evidenced by the plethora of comments.