

Side note 2: ground dwelling wasps consider anyone or anything walking near their nests to be a threat. There does not seem to be a way to live with them.

Agreed. I guess people think that since the room is usually set-up so the fireplace is the focal point, they can kill two birds with one stone.

Agreed. I guess people think that since the room is usually set-up so the fireplace is the focal point, they can

Nice. But Holy $$$$$hit.

Nice. But Holy $$$$$hit.

I think my Grandpa had one of those in his finished basement.

I think my Grandpa had one of those in his finished basement.

Nice marmot.

Holy shit. I did not know that.

Um, yeah. I think I read it three times. Buried the lead, so to speak.

Is that Kate McKinnon?

Enjoy them, my friend.

God, that reminds me of those long, delicious make-out sessions from my high school days. Lips numb and swollen. Vigorous dry-humping. Getting excruciatingly close to third base. Then the long, painful walk home with a near-terminal case of blue balls. Oh, what larks!

She had come so hard she broke her own hymen.

You are correct, sir/madam. California law requires that ALL participating parties consent to the recording of a confidential communication.

Thanks for your response. My comment was meant to be facetious, sort of. However, I did grow-up in a Midwestern city with a large Polish population, and I often heard the word "Polack" (Polak?) used by Poles and non-Poles alike. The context was almost always between friends and meant as a comic jab. Likewise, in that

But wait, it's okay for my Polish friends to call each other Polack ?

Right?! I was going to post the exact same thing. Good to know I'm not the only one who finds her voice grating.

Now playing

This is how it's done. Best viewed in full-screen at high res.

Hahahahaha! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! . . . Oh, fuuuuuuck