The “Be Best” slogan would suggest otherwise.
The “Be Best” slogan would suggest otherwise.
Fuck you Sarah, and your boss too.
Hyper-logical seems like code for sociopath.
he describes himself as a detached and hyper-logical champion of human rights
The visibility of such accusations of bias has added fuel to a growing and increasingly mainstream men’s rights movement, the central conceit of which is that feminism’s victories have overcorrected, making America a dangerous place for the straight, white, and male.
He said the she had been “emotionally aggressive,” insulted his lack of arousal, and demanded oral sex.
“In fact, Pekgoz may have to give up pursuit of a PhD in English after two years invested and study instead for a degree in a different academic field, where the good name and reputation of Pekgoz has not been sullied and defamed.” is a straight up savage, and I love it.
These damn kids. They just keep giving me hope that this country can be saved.
“Public schools are a place for all children,” Hodgman said on Tuesday.
Who knew was such a cheeky minx.
How else do you think these people sleep at night?
i’ve done a NUMBER of drugs in my day. have yet to find the one that chemically alters my morality.
True fact, ambien can make you do and say weird strange things.
She explained that she took the low sum because she was also receiving threats while arrangements were being made. Also, her attorney at the time — not Avenatti — was working with Cohen. That’s why she dropped him.
She’s the only person that seems to be standing up to him. And she is classy about it.
This really threw me off because usually when I’m watching something with Stormy Daniels there’s no one else in the room with me.