
Putin said that Trump wasn’t a politician when he visited Moscow


Looks like House of Cards set in the Vatican. I can’t stomach House of Cards so not sure this is for me; I’m paranoid enough as it is.

If you lack the strength and dexterity to cut through an avocado skin, I seriously doubt you’re going to be able to open this packaging.

Never stop never stopping.

I hope Gab catches on and I never have to see these people on other social networks again.

“On January 20th, I will not be celebrating or honoring an incoming president who rode racism, sexism, xenophobia and bigotry to the White House,” “The American people will never forget that when a foreign government violated our democracy, Donald Trump chose the interests of another nation over our own.”

i had a baby that was stillborn. a relative said “arent you happy she is with jesus now?” nevermind that im not religious. who the fuck thinks thats what a grieving mother wants to hear?

It’s selfishness, a lack of respect for human life, unrestrained consumption, and religion.

Fun fact! He lost the popular vote in an election that was meddled with by the US’s long-time antagonist, Russia. To call the process “democratic” is to besmirch the concept of democracy.

I think this is a very likely possibility. I wonder if Pence would have appointed such a disgusting cabinet. Pence is himself disgusting, but would he put Steve Bannon and a guy deemed too racist to be a judge in the 80s in the white house? (I realize strategist or adviser or whatever the hell Bannon is, isn’t really

I read this wondering if there really is something wrong with him - beyond the narcissism and general evil - because he sounds insane. I don’t mean that in the cruel slur way, I mean he actually sounds like he is unstable. It seems to be getting worse.

I know. Do you ever listen to him speak and think, “Well I must be dead and/or in the Twilight Zone because there is no way in hell this can be real.”

I’m beginning to think the people claiming early onset Alzheimer’s may be on to something. He’s become noticeably more incoherent as the months drag on.

So it should be called “The Women’s March (but guys you can come just don’t try to make yourselves the center of attention, and wear a damn shirt)“. Shouldn’t that be obvious?

the children can be heard begging their dad to stop hitting his wife, saying, “Just stop, daddy. Just stop,” and “Daddy, why are you doing this?”

DR: “I love you Carrie.”

I’m almost 40 and still using this stuff. My face is still intact and experience has taught me not to throw money away on specialty products that are, in reality, no better than the drug store stuff.

we are now boarding the passengers seated in the no class section of our fight.

I don’t think there’s an epidemic of pedophiles as much as there is an epidemic of people who don’t want to rock the boat and so let a small number of serial predators escape justice time and time again.