
Many women don’t have a choice in the matter — either they work through their pregnancies, or else they won’t have enough money to live on. And not all pregnancies are truly intentional. There’s something wrong with a system where a supervisor can write up a pregnant woman for poor performance despite her working long

That’s a major issue with the CA-125 test; it’s not great for routine screening of asymptomatic women because it yields lots of false positives AND false negatives. My own CA-125 level went up to 36 merely because I had a thermonuclear case of endometriosis, and some women turn up with levels well into three figures

That could become quite a popular product among us post-menopausal women who can’t take estrogen.

We had a friend (same time zone) who had a habit of calling us on weeknights around 12:30 AM, even though his own workday started before 7. One night when he called, the ringing land line woke us up, and right about the time Mr. Sububi picked it up, I yelled “Somebody better be dead!” I think our friend may have heard

I have a few Italian American relatives who support Trump — as well as at least one who also has Latin American ancestry. I really don’t get it. Not sure whether I should tell them that my recent DNA test also revealed that we have some Middle Eastern ancestry as well. 

And Kellyanne Conway’s husband is of Filipino descent on his mother’s side. He’s also been known to to troll Trump on Twitter from time to time. (Awkward holiday dinners, hell. Awkward everyday dinners, for sure!)

I’m never sure what interviewers hope to accomplish when they talk to the family members of a criminal. Relatives are almost always going to be in denial, and you can’t count on them to be reliable narrators of their family members’ lives. 

My first thought on seeing those pictures: Holy shit, some poor ostriches and pythons died for that?

Maybe tangential to this case, but: When a film depicts a person going through gender transition, what is the most appropriate way to cast that role? Transparent is an example (Jeffrey Tambor’s appalling on-set behavior aside). The character is an older person, assigned male at birth, finally embracing her identity as

That actually sounds like a good idea. I love rosewater and often add it to homemade cocktails. Try 1 part lemonade or limeade with 1 part seltzer; add a few drops of rosewater. I sometimes put just a dash of Ikea lingonberry syrup in this for color and a touch of added sweetness. It’s awesome. Haven’t experimented

Well, in fairness (snark), sales of an implantable device do tend to decline after its users experience intractable pain that can only be resolved by major surgery.

I think a lot of Catholic families there effectively forced some of their daughters to become nuns. The result: A lot of enraged women in convents, ready to lash out at anyone with even less power than their own.

All strictly hierarchical institutions are playgrounds for abusers. If women can’t challenge men, children can’t challenge adults, and subordinates can’t challenge those above them in the hierarchy, then the people with power will get away with raping, beating, and otherwise exploiting the people who have no power.

Well, it certainly got the attention of the fifty- and sixty-somethings! (Though not in a good way.)

I think she’s dumped him and gone back to New York.

I agree that the 1980s had energy in many ways, but Diana’s wedding dress looked like it had been designed by a group of seven-year-old girls playing bride by wrapping one another up in rumpled bedsheets. I got married in the 1980s, and my $300 wedding dress was a lot more flattering. And I promise you that while I’m

Honestly, I’ve got no problems with the Midlands Fire Department’s tweet. I think they did the world of YouTube idiots (Motto: “Famous for 15 minutes; dead for all eternity”) a big favor by reminding them to not cement their heads inside the hulks of kitchen appliances.

Take heart. Child abusers are reputed to be treated very, very badly by other prisoners.

I got the top-of-the-line Instant Pot (the 10-in-1 Ultra, which is a 6-quart model) for my birthday a couple of months ago, and it’s awesome. I haven’t used anywhere near the full spectrum of options yet, but I’m sure I’ll use more of them in the near future. Although we’re a household of only two, we do like to keep

I got the top-of-the-line Instant Pot (the 10-in-1 Ultra, which is a 6-quart model) for my birthday a couple of

Damn, from the headline I thought maybe he was dead. Oh, well.