
Has it occurred to her that it might help if her own husband stopped making fun of the disabled?

We can’t afford to have a mineshaft gap.

“I’m also taking this action for the benefit of all parents and families, who may be facing the same violation of their rights—”

Obligatory seconding

Obligatory comment petitioning for revival of I Thee Dread.

I’ve heard this exact same argument. I asked him what exactly Obama did to inflame the racial difference, and the only thing he could point to was that he took sides in that one instance back in his early presidency when that professor was stopped and arrested, which led to the infamous Beer Summit. That in and of

I heard one person say, “there’s just so much more racial division with Obama than ever before.” Which from that line of reasoning, not only did Obama cause racial division, but, now that Trump is in charge, all those unhappy black and brown people are going to “go back” to enjoying life and getting along with

Because you’re asking a very different thing when you say ‘give up your bonus.’ That’s a zero sum game: in order for you to get ahead, someone else has to lose.

I’m not sure of the point you’re trying to make but the Electoral College results in my California vote being far less equal in comparison to the votes of citizens in less populous states. They don’t always have the best answers in Wyoming or Alaska.

Literally only the east coast existed when the Madison put the electoral into the constitution. It was put in place as a compromise so that states with primarily agrarian economies wouldn’t have less power than states with more industrial economies.

No, the Electoral College intervened and a electoral system based on imformation traveling by horseback cancelled out a million votes.

The truth is nearly a million more Americans wanted someone else to be their president.

She told children to eat their vegetables and grow gardens instead of living off McDonalds and Walmart. UNAMERICAN!

I flashback on school lunches and they were all terrible; particularly a concoction I remember from elementary school involving a piece of bologna topped with mashed potatoes and a slice of cheese. Seriously, what the fuck is that even?

She tried to get kids to eat more vegetables and be more active. That’s not classy. The classy pay lip service and get a little lipo.

While she may indeed be beautiful, “classy” and “dignified” are two adjectives that do not immediately come to my mind when I think of Melania Trump.

Oh ya. It’s us coastal elites who need to watch our language and tone. BE NICER GUYS 🙄

It’s amazing how hard liberals are working to claim this election had nothing to with race ... so they can make it all about race.

I respectfully disagree about this noise. The future suggestions are good, but if America wanted good things they would have voted for the most brilliant environmental candidate we’ve ever had (I can elaborate when I’m able to type not on my phone). She won the popular vote, not by enough apparently. She twisted

White guys: Hillary Clinton sucked, that’s why we lost.